Friday, July 31, 2009

"Morality Is For The Little People" The Family To Members Of Congress

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Earth Is Getting Colder and Colder

Good article below and it's sure as shit getting colder in NY state. Here in Ulster County we have yet to have summer. it went down to 48 degrees a couple of weeks ago. It never gets very warm at all. The last 4 years have been just getting colder and colder.

This sucks in more than one way. Not only do we have to pay taxes and higher energy bills for a Cap & Trade Bill for something that doesn't even exist, but because the winters are growing longer and longer we'll be consuming more and more fuel.

Because the cost of oil and propane has gone up the cost of firewood has gone up, too, plus they're running out of it. They'll probably come into my house some winter day and find us all frozen to death. I hope I'm only kidding here but what about all the old people that can't afford to buy fuel and that can't take temperatures less than 75 degrees? This is no joke and I don't even have money for fuel.

Margie a.k.a. Maggie The Wolf Star

from Glen

The following is from "", but the message is starting to show all over the truth-seeking news media. The government is lying to us. Its sad that as most areas of the country are setting all time cold records, they think they can get away with this. The scary part is that, like Orwell, when the government starts lying like this, you don't know what is real anymore. How can you determine or judge something when you don't know if your information is right?
See and for good information from scientists and other truthful patriots on what is going on.

NOAA fudging the numbers

25 Jul 09 – “I saw your story about June ocean temps,” says my friend Dan Hammer at “The problem is that satellite data does not support the claim. Only NOAA seems to think it was one of the warmest.

Unisys Sea Surface Temperature graph

" did a great story dealing with how NOAA fudged on the numbers including replacing sea surface temps with land-based temps to compensate for what they called a cold bias. also covered how they have added nearly half a degree F to the raw surface observations. A bit fishy don't you think?

"Do you smell a rat? Nothing supports the NOAA claim।
According to the RSS satellite data June 2009 wasn’t even in the top 5 this decade."

“Here is a direct quote from the original story...

"Also they in the last year made changes to the ocean temperature
data base removing the satellite data that they claimed was giving
a cold bias to the data."

The real data isn't giving NOAA what they want so they are changing
it in order to tell a different story. They want global warming and the
real data doesn't back it up.

Here's the link to the story on where this was all exposed.
Thanks to Dan Hammer for this real eye-opener. As he says, "Icecap does a brilliant job and picking apart the dishonesty that drives the Global Warming engine."

Here is the final minus raw graph:

And here are NOAA's doctored sea surface temperature anomalies

Military Planning for Possible H1N1 Outbreak

Earthhope Action Network
by Barbara Starr CNN July 29, 2009

The U.S. military wants to establish regional teams of military personnel to assist civilian authorities in the event of a significant outbreak of the H1N1 virus this fall, according to Defense Department officials.

The proposal is awaiting final approval from Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

The officials would not be identified because the proposal from U.S. Northern Command's Gen. Victor Renuart has not been approved by the secretary.

The plan calls for military task forces to work in conjunction with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. There is no final decision on how the military effort would be manned, but one source said it would likely include personnel from all branches of the military.

(Article continues below)

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It has yet to be determined how many troops would be needed and whether they would come from the active duty or the National Guard and Reserve forces.

Civilian authorities would lead any relief efforts in the event of a major outbreak, the official said. The military, as they would for a natural disaster or other significant emergency situation, could provide support and fulfill any tasks that civilian authorities could not, such as air transport or testing of large numbers of viral samples from infected patients.

As a first step, Gates is being asked to sign a so-called "execution order" that would authorize the military to begin to conduct the detailed planning to execute the proposed plan.

Orders to deploy actual forces would be reviewed later, depending on how much of a health threat the flu poses this fall, the officials said.

Source: CNN

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Obama's Health Care Is a Disaster for Baby Boomers!: Call Your Reps

Margie Laupheimer Earthhope Action Network

Obama Hitler Lenin Democrat Party fascism socialism

Sent in by Pat D. B. and Walter Z.


Contact for all representatives

Contact for all senators

Listen to Fred Thompson: Interviews Betsy McCaughey now.

Baby boomers, get ready.... There will be no discrimination or racism here, we will all be in the same basket, the waste basket that is!: Please , call your congress and senate representative। Someday you will be OLD if you live long enough.

H E L P . P L E A S E!

Hi, Be sure to listen to the Fred Thompson interviews at the bottom of the e-mail. This is unbelievable!!

It's TIME to contact our representatives, folks!! Is this not ridiculous??
(If this doesn't make your blood boil........... nothing will!!)

Page 425 of Health Care Bill - Listen to this interview Fred Thompson's Radio Show interviewing Betsy McCaughey (pronounced Mc Coy). Or look it up on, under interviews, is a disaster for seniors.

On page 425 it says in black and white that EVERYONE on Social Security, (will include all Senior Citizens and SSI people) will go to MANDATORY counseling every 5 years to learn and to choose from ways to end your suffering (and your life). Health care will be denied based on age. 500 Billion will be cut from Seniors health care. The only way for that to happen is to drastically cut health care, the oldest and the sickest will be cut first. Paying for your own care will not be an option.

Now, CALL YOUR PEOPLE IN WASHINGTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell them to read page 425 if they don't read anything else. Surely some of them have parents.

"ON PAGE 425 OF OBAMA’S HEALTH CARE BILL, the Federal Government will require EVERYONE who is on Social Security to undergo a counseling session every 5 years with the objective being that they will explain to them just how to end their own life earlier. Yes...They are going to push SUICIDE to cut medicare spending!"

Fred Thompson: Interviews


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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Leaders’ Summit on North American Relations Held in June

Earthhope Action Network
by Dana Gabriel Global Research

Unbeknownst to many, the Leaders’ Summit on North American Relations was held in Quebec in June of this year. It represents yet another facet of North American integration. This should not be confused with the upcoming North American Leaders’ Summit which is scheduled to take place in Mexico on August 9-10.

The fifth Leaders’ Summit on North American Relations was held on June 3 of this year in Quebec City. The summit was chaired by Quebec Premier Jean Charest. It focused on, “four main areas: the economic context and the financial crisis; North American integration: NAFTA’s track record and prospects; transportation and infrastructure; and energy and climate change.” In conjunction with the summit, the North American SuperCorridor Coalition (NASCO) Conference also took place from June 2-4.

The goal of the summit was to further boost North American competitiveness and enhance trilateral cooperation. The meetings and work sessions were attended by government leaders from Canada, the U.S. and Mexico. This includes Canadian provincial Premiers Gary Doer of Manitoba and Shawn Graham of New Brunswick, along with Shawn Skinner, Trade Minister of Newfoundland and Labrador. U.S. participants included state governors Chet Culver of Iowa and James Douglas of Vermont. Mexico was represented by state governors José Natividad González Parás, Governor of Nuevo León, Juan Manuel Oliva Ramírez, Governor of Guanajuato, Amalia Garcia Medina of Zacatecas, as well Economic Development Secretaries for Durango and Michoacán, Jorge A. Reynoso Martínez and Eloy Vargas Arreola. The leaders agreed that many necessary improvements can be made within the existing NAFTA framework.

(Article continues below)

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In a Joint Statement, “the Leaders reaffirmed their belief that there is an important need for provincial and state governments to take part in forums aimed at promoting ongoing dialogue on issues of mutual interests.” They also, “reaffirmed the essential role that Canadian provinces and the Mexican and U.S. states have in developing trilateral relations and enhancing North America’s strategic positioning in the international arena.” They are committed to further strengthening continental relations and encouraging other Canadian provinces, as well as Mexican and U.S. states to participate in future summits. The next Leaders’ Summit on North American Relations will be held in Des Moines, Iowa in 2010.

As many are now aware, Mexico will host the fifth North American Leaders’ Summit in Guadalajara on August 9-10 of this year. The SPP website describes the summit as, “a unique opportunity for our three neighboring nations to identify ways to collaborate on shared opportunities and collectively address our common challenges. The leaders will discuss improving North American competitiveness as we recover from the economic downturn, promoting clean energy to combat climate change, and protecting the safety of our citizens.” It is also being reported that the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) has been dismantled but some working groups will live on. If this is indeed true, it does not constitute a victory as there have been numerous calls to replace and rename the SPP. This includes a new report for the Brookings Institution and Canadian International Council entitled “Toward a New Frontier: Improving the U.S.-Canadian Border.” The report recommends that the U.S. move slower on SPP priorities with Mexico than with Canada and for the whole process to be renamed. It appears as if the latest summit could be used as an opportunity to revive stalled measures and launch a new strategy that would further build off past continental integration initiatives.

Interlocking superstates are the foundation for global government. Much like the formation of the European Union, a North American Union is being created incrementally. There are many different facets to North American integration and this deep-rooted agenda continues on many different fronts.

Dana Gabriel is an activist and independent researcher. He writes about trade, globalization, sovereignty, as well as other issues.
Email Dana Gabriel
Visit his blog site

Global Research Articles by Dana Gabriel

Source: Global Research

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

An American Heroine’s Letter to America’s Patriots

Earthhope Action Network
Submitted by Greg Dixon Freedom's Phoenix July 25, 2009

It is my pleasure to devote my space today to one of the great unsung heroine patriots of America, Barbara Ketay, who labors in the trenches day after day to warn her fellow Americans of the New World Order despots that are slowly, inch by inch and now by leaps and bounds, taking over our nation.

Barbara rises every morning at 5 am Monday through Friday to get ready for her live radio program Liberty And You, which can be heard at 8 am over two radio stations in Rochester, NY that blanket the Western part of the state WASD-1590 AM and WRSB-1310. She can also be heard over the internet live at:

She is the President of the United States Bar Association. Also as the Legal Associate of the Biblical Law Center, she works tirelessly with little pay to help churches become free from the 501©(3) trap that is keeping them from preaching the whole counsel of God.

She is the author of many outstanding books, essays and pamphlets including Liberty and You and Church in Chains. Her web site -- follow the link to Liberty and You website.

The following challenge needs to be circulated far and wide.

(Article continues below)

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Dear Fellow Patriots:

I have written so many letters, articles, books, etc., in my life, I long ago lost count. Everything I have written pales in importance to this one letter.

America, my Country, your Country, our Country is dying. We are witnessing the death throes of a once great and powerful nation. If we called the paramedics, America would be a "Code Blue" patient: observation shows America is hemorrhaging and gasping for a breath of original intent from the Founding Fathers; her eyes are fixed and glazed over at seeing the constant abuse of her citizens; her arms, which held and protected her citizens via the Bill of Rights, have been ripped from the sockets and now hang limp; her legs, which once represented her military might, are broken with compound factures from her military being sold to the United Nations and turned on her own citizens; she has many bruises and deep gashes on her body where her life blood, the Constitution, has been beaten up, cut out and drained from her; her pulse and respiration are almost undetectable; and, the most serious injury, her heart is broken.

Can this patient be saved? Only you, the American citizen, can determine the outcome. This patient needs an immediate transfusion of the blood of Christians and patriots, who will step forward and revive her. She needs to breathe the air of freedom and to have her wounds treated and bandaged. She needs to recuperate with loving care and concern from her citizens.

There are wonderful, caring and concerned people who want to treat America’s various bleeding wounds, i.e. abortion, gun control, illegal immigration, government lawlessness, our tax system, a corrupt judicial system, illegal laws, Federal Reserve fraud, treason, incompetent congressional members, hate laws, illegal wars, United Nations corruption, grand jury actions, religious persecution, profiling, veterans’ rights, nationalization of our industries, lies, fraud, corruption, the advancement of a one world order, global warming fraud, and other assaults on our Country. The list goes on and on and on. These works, and many other efforts, are honorable and noble. But they have not been successful, and they will not be successful, because they are treating the symptoms of the problem. So we could say that perhaps, "these operations had some success, but the patient died."

Divide and conquer! It worked for the Romans, the Greeks, the Muslims, Alexander the Great, and, it is working for the New World Order gang right here in America. They want us to believe that patriotism, honor, courage, morality, leadership, loyalty, and integrity are all dead and it is every man for himself. This is not true. Americans are splintered in their concern for their particular group. They believe if they have 5,000, 10,000 or 500,000 members that they are making a difference. They are not, and they have not. We must set aside our specific concerns and come together to save the whole patient…America.

I love my Country with a passion so deep that sometimes I can’t even verbalize it. America the beautiful, the bountiful and the blessed; the great experiment; the city on the hill; the home of the brave and the land of the free; refuge to all who seek her; her symbol, Old Glory, the red, white and blue; melting pot of the world; and, most importantly, she was founded on the word of God.

Our Country was the only country ever established by Christians. God has had His hand on her since her inception. The Founding Fathers "with firm reliance on divine providence" mutually pledged to each other their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to establish the foundations of American independence, law and civil government, in order to secure our rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness as inalienable rights endowed by our Creator. They were guilty of treason, sedition against the King, once they signed the Declaration of Independence.

America is not even a shadow of what she was intended to be. But she can be again if we put petty differences aside, and, "… come let us reason together." We need numbers! The powers that be only listen to numbers. If we come together under a unanimous umbrella of concerned citizens, we can have numbers exceeding 5, 10, 25 million people. This is how we take our Country back and demand the return to government of the people, for the people and by the people. If we don’t do it, who will? If we don’t do it now, then when will we do it? If we don’t start here and now, then where do we start?

The RELIVING 1776 INITIATIVE has two primary purposes: 1) identify the options and specific actions which have the potential to gain control of the Federal government, and 2) create the Taking America Back team needed to help in implementing these actions. It is most distressing when organizations, professing to share our goals, won't suggest their supporters 'team up' on actions of common interest, when this method assures that each group still retains their freedom to pursue their special interests. Does this mean that fear, ego, power, and money are stronger motivators than patriotism?

The most effective way to "team up" is through a common communication system. This fabulous communication system is available to us through Statewide Communications USA. Through combined communication we can leverage our work and people can come together and become one in support of the ultimate mission to "Take America Back." We must go on the offensive by uniting, not in body, but in spirit and in actions applicable to the few options through which we can Take America Back! We cannot allow the powers that be to continually keep us divided, splintered and arguing among ourselves as to who is the most important.

If you are not outraged by what is happening to your Country, you're are not paying attention!!!!! We need some righteous indignation in this Country. Jefferson said, "A Country cannot be both ignorant and free."

I'm looking for a spiritual S.W.A.T team of Scriptural Weapons And Tactics: citizens who understand the Christian heritage of our Country and are willing to defend it; citizens of faith and leaders and who will stand and fight for the Truth; men who will fight for their children, citizens who will not blink in the face of danger; men who have not sold out to the government; citizens who identify themselves as “true Americans” rather than Republicans or Democrats. We are Americans first and foremost. The Constitution makes no provision for political parties. The Founding Fathers did that deliberately.

We the people must cherish our God given freedoms. They are much too important to be stuck away in some book. Freedom must live in our hearts. Our liberties are powerful and vibrant tools. But we must exercise them regularly, with skill and precision, if they are to work effectively.

Come and let us reason together, forgetting ego, pride, power, money, and let us do what is right for America, and what is ultimately right for all Americans. It is a time of crisis in our Country, and, we need honorable leaders to step forward and lead. We are confronted at every turn by evil, self-serving people and groups. The Bible asks the question in Psalms 94:16 “Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?” If not now, when? If not us, who? Great leaders see the need and consider it a privilege to serve. The hour is late and the task has fallen upon us to take our Country back.

Please consider net working with others through the RELIVING 1776 INITIATIVE. Together, we can do truly great and wonderful things for our beloved America. We owe this not only to our posterity, but to all mankind for as America goes so will go the world. May God bless you in your decision and may God bless the United States of America.

In His service,

Barbara Ketay, President
United States Bar Association

Concurring with this letter: Jim Condit; Byron Dale; Carmen LTC Reynolds; Coach Dave Daubenmire; Cort Ct; Darrell Castle; David Costello; David Ewing; Dr. Ed Vieira; Dr. Greg Dixon; Dr. Orly Taitz; Gene Schroder; Jack McLamb; Jerald Finney; Joan Veon; Larry Becraft; Michael- Edwards; Michael Le Mieux; Netty Wisbaum; Rep. Carl Wimmer; Rep. Charles Key; Rep. Jim Guest; Richard Abraham; Retired Sheriff Richard Mack; Sen. Don Rogers; Sen. Randy Brogdon; Norman Kurland.

NOTE: I am directly related to Chief Justice John Marshall, Presidents Grant, Buchanan and Lincoln, a great uncle who was a Judge in Dayton, Ohio, a great uncle was an attorney in Cincinnati, and my father who served his Country for 32 years as a Cincinnati Policeman. My father was a statesman and a visionary way beyond his years. He taught me from the time I was a child, that to love America was not enough... I must fight where I see injustice and attempts to destroy my Country's heritage and the inalienable rights of others. bk

Source: Freedom's Phoenix

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The Nazis, Hamas and Hezbollah: Why There Is an Israeli State

by Margie Laupheimer Earthhope Action Network

Hezbollah army
Hezbollah army doing the Nazi salute

Here are a few videos. One was obviously made by an Israeli, the others by members of Hamas and Hezbollah, and the last by Palestinians.

Here is the thing. You can barely tell the Israeli one apart from the ones made by Hamas and Hezbollah. There is not one thing in the extremist Muslim videos that contradicts what the Israeli's video said. Please watch all.

Following these is a rundown of the actual history of the Israeli state and the surrounding states that want it obliterated. The depth and the reach of the propaganda spread by both leftists and extremist Muslims is outrageous and it is an endless slew of lies.

A video made by an Israeli

Children of Hamas

by TruthAboutConflict

A video made by Hamas

Hamas sweethearts training babies to kill and be killed. That means you if you're not a Muslim. -- Made by Hamas

by 1090AhMeD1090

Another video made by Hamas

Hamas ya noor il ayn

by shiasoldier786

A video made by Hezbollah


by Ameer86

Another video made by Hezbollah

New Hezbollah Mix

by Zolfekar3

A video made by Palestinians

Real Face of Hamas, the Murderer Of Palestinians

Why there is an Israeli state

Holocaust dead bodies stacked

What Really Happened In The Middle East

by media12312345

Sources: YouTube and Earthhope Action Network

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Brooklyn Man Accused of Buying and Selling Kidneys

Earthhope Action Network
by David Porter and Carla K. Johnson AP
NEWARK, New Jersey

Levy Izhak Rosenbaum of Brooklyn called himself a "matchmaker," but his business wasn't romance. Instead, authorities say, he brokered the sale of black-market kidneys, buying organs from vulnerable people from Israel for $10,000 and selling them to desperate patients in the U.S. for as much as $160,000.

The alleged decade-long scheme, exposed this week by an FBI sting, rocked the nation's transplant industry. If true, it would be the first documented case of organ trafficking in the U.S., transplant experts said Friday.

"There's certainly cross-national activity, but it hasn't touched the United States or we haven't known about it until now," said University of Pennsylvania medical ethicist Arthur Caplan, who is co-directing a U.N. task force on international organ trafficking.

Rosenbaum was arrested Thursday, 10 days after meeting in his basement with a government informant and an FBI agent posing as the informant's secretary. The agent claimed to be searching for a kidney for a sick uncle on dialysis who was on a transplant list at a Philadelphia hospital.

"I am what you call a matchmaker," Rosenbaum said in a secretly recorded conversation. "I bring a guy what I believe, he's suitable for your uncle." Asked how many organs he had brokered, he said: "Quite a lot," the most recent two weeks earlier.

As part of the scheme, the organ donors were brought from Israel to this country, where they underwent surgery to remove the kidneys, authorities said. Prosecutors did not identify which hospitals in the U.S. received the donors and their kidneys.

"The allegations about an organ trafficking ring in the United States are appalling," said John Davis, chief executive of the National Kidney Foundation.

Israel Medical Association spokeswoman Orna Cohen said the organization had no reports there of Israelis selling organs. "If it's true, then it's shocking," she said.

Micky Rosenfeld, a spokesman for Israel's national police force, said Israeli police were not involved in the investigation, and he would not comment further.

Under 1984 federal law, it is illegal for anyone to knowingly buy or sell organs for transplant. The practice is illegal just about everywhere else in the world, too.

But demand for kidneys far outstrips the supply, with 4,540 people dying in the U.S. last year while waiting for a kidney, according to the United Network for Organ Sharing. As a result, there is a thriving black market for kidneys around the world.

Nancy Scheper-Hughes, an anthropology professor at the University of California at Berkeley and the author of an upcoming book on human organ trafficking, said that she has been tracking the Brooklyn-connected ring for 10 years and that her contacts in Israel have called Rosenbaum "the top man" in the United States.

Scheper-Hughes said she was told Rosenbaum carried a gun, and when a potential organ seller would get cold feet, Rosenbaum would use his finger to simulate firing a gun at the person's head.

Rosenbaum was arrested in a sweeping federal case that began as an investigation into money laundering and trafficking in kidneys and fake designer bags. It mushroomed into a political corruption probe, culminating in the arrests this week of 44 people, including three New Jersey mayors, various other officials, and five rabbis. The politicians and rabbis were not accused of involvement in the organ trafficking.

Rosenbaum, 58, is a member of the Orthodox Jewish community in the Borough Park section of Brooklyn, where he told neighbors he was in the construction business.

For someone who was not a surgeon, Rosenbaum seemed in his recorded conversations to have a thorough knowledge of the ins and outs of kidney donations, including how to fool hospitals into believing the donor was acting solely out of compassion for a friend or loved one.

He was recorded saying that money had to be spread around liberally, to Israeli doctors, visa preparers and those who cared for the organ donors in this country. "One of the reasons it's so expensive is because you have to shmear (pay others) all the time," he was quoted as saying.

"So far, I've never had a failure," he bragged on tape. "I'm doing this a long time."

At a 2008 meeting with the undercover agent, Rosenbaum claimed he had an associate who worked for an insurance company in Brooklyn who could take the recipient's blood samples, store them on dry ice and send them to Israel, where they would be tested to see if they matched the prospective donor, authorities said.

Four checks totaling $10,000, a downpayment on the fictitious uncle's new kidney, were deposited in the bank account of a charity in Brooklyn, prosecutors said.

It was not immediately clear Friday who Rosenbaum's attorney was.

Dr. Francis Delmonico, a Harvard professor, transplant surgeon and board member of the National Kidney Foundation's Board of Directors, said similar trafficking is going on elsewhere around the world. He said an estimated 10 percent of kidney transplants -- 5,000 to 6,000 each year -- are done illegally. Hot spots are Pakistan, the Philippines and China, where it is believed organs are obtained from executed prisoners, he said.

Caplan, the University of Pennsylvania ethicist, said he expects the U.N. task force to make recommendations in October that would hold hospitals worldwide accountable for establishing the origins of each organ they transplant and whether it was freely donated without compensation.

"There is a black market, almost exclusively in kidneys," Caplan said. "All international medical groups and governments ought to condemn any marketing in body parts. It's simply too exploitative of the poor and vulnerable. The quality of the organs is questionable. People lie to get the money. The middle men are irresponsible and often criminals. They don't care about the people who sell."

Scheper-Hughes said her research has uncovered hundreds of cases of illegal organ transactions brokered by and for Israelis in Israel, South Africa, Turkey and other countries, with sellers recruited from poor communities in Moldova, Brazil and elsewhere.

A few transplant surgeons support changing the law to allow a system of regulated compensation to increase the pool of donor kidneys.

Arthur Matas, a transplant surgeon who directs the kidney transplant service at the University of Minnesota Medical School, said donors could be compensated with some combination of lifetime access to medical care, life insurance, a tax credit, help with college and a small direct payment.

"It would minimize the extraordinary black market and exploitation of impoverished people internationally," Matas said.

Martin Weinfeld, who lives around the corner from Rosenbaum in Brooklyn, said the allegations bring shame on the community.

"It puts a bad name on good people," he said. "Religion is supposed to be about God, helping others, not about the cash."

Associated Press Writer Colleen Long in Brooklyn contributed to this story.

Source: Associated Press

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Witnesses: Iran Police Attack Hundreds of Protesters

Earthhope Action Network
Associated Press

Iranian police and pro-government militia attacked and scattered hundreds of protesters in a demonstration in Iran's capital Saturday, witnesses said.

The protests were in response to the demonstrations being held around the world calling for the Iranian government to release opposition activists, one of the witnesses told The Associated Press.

Protesters in Vanak and Mirdamad districts chanted "death to the dictator" and "we want our vote back" before they were attacked and beaten by police. The witnesses spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation.

As night fell, Iranians across the city gathered on their rooftops and chanted "death to the dictator" and "courageous neighbors, thank you for your support," apparently in response to the protests around the world.

While the rooftop chanting had been common feature in the immediate aftermath of the June 12 elections, it had largely disappeared in recent weeks.

The opposition says that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won the June 12 elections through fraud, sparking protests across the country.

Hundreds of activists have since been imprisoned in the ensuing crackdown and at least 20 have died.

Protesters across the world call for end to Iran human rights abuses

Protesters across the world on Saturday called on Iran to end its clampdown on opposition activists, demanding the release of those rounded up.

Groups including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International are backing a global day of action, with protests planned in more than 80 cities.

The protesters want Iranian authorities to release what they say are hundreds, or even thousands, of people detained during protests that followed the presidential election last month that returned Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to power.

Protesters waved placards and banners outside the Iranian embassy in London, one of a series of events in cities across Europe. In Brussels, Belgium, protesters held placards carrying images of the detained or dead, including Neda Agha Soltan, the 27-year-old whose death - beamed around the world on the Internet - became a rallying cry for opponents of the regime.

In Amsterdam, Iranian Nobel Peace prize laureate Shirin Ebadi urged the international community to reject the outcome of the Iranian election and called for a new vote monitored by the United Nations.

Addressing several hundred people, she said Iran should not be allowed to become another Zimbabwe, apparently referring to the violence surrounding that African country's disputed presidential election.

Hecklers in the crowd, some of them supporters of the monarchy ousted in 1979, shouted slogans of "Death to the Islamic regime."

But the Iranian lawyer and human rights activist urged restraint, saying the protesters should be chanting for life and democracy rather than death to their opponents.

About 80 people wearing headbands, wristbands or bandanas in green - the color of Iran's protest movement - demonstrated in front of the UN's European headquarters in Geneva.

"The young people have had enough," said protester Jacky Carel, a member of a Swiss-Iranian cultural organization. "It cannot go on like this."

In the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, some 20 Iranians - among them refugees, students and others - gathered outside the local press club to protest the Iranian crackdown, yelling "Death to the dictator!"

"Innocent Iranians are being killed," said Hessam Moghimi, 27, who has lived in Pakistan for about eight years. "We want justice for the blood that's been spilled."

In Australia, there were small protests in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and the capital, Canberra.

About 50 people waved flags and banners reading "Stop torture" and "Iran election was a fraud" on the steps of Victorian state parliament in Melbourne.

In Canberra, Ardeshir Gholipour, a 41-year-old refugee from Iran who arrived in Australia in 2000 after spending two years in an Iranian prison for political protests, said Western governments should take a tougher stand against the Ahmadinejad regime.

"The Australian government should reject the Iranian ambassador - send a big signal," he said.

About 80 people gathered in Tokyo, draping green scarves around their necks and lighting candles.

The crowd watched recent news footage of Iran and a slideshow on a screen set up in Miyashita Park in downtown Tokyo to the backdrop of rock music, and applauded speeches calling for a free Iran and fair elections.

In Seoul, South Korea, where about 30 people rallied, Amnesty's Park Jin-ok said the group was calling for immediate and unconditional release of detainees.

The demonstrators also want the UN to investigate alleged rights abuses and say Tehran must allow freedom of expression and assembly.

Source: Associated Press

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Texas May Have Showdown with White House over Healthcare

Earthhope Action Network
by Dave Montgomery Star Telegram

Governor Rick Perry

Gov. Rick Perry, raising the specter of a showdown with the Obama administration, suggested Thursday that he would consider invoking states’ rights protections under the 10th Amendment to resist the president’s healthcare plan, which he said would be "disastrous" for Texas.

Interviewed by conservative talk show host Mark Davis of Dallas’ WBAP/820 AM, Perry said his first hope is that Congress will defeat the plan, which both Perry and Davis described as "Obama Care." But should it pass, Perry predicted that Texas and a "number" of states might resist the federal health mandate.

"I think you’ll hear states and governors standing up and saying 'no’ to this type of encroachment on the states with their healthcare," Perry said. "So my hope is that we never have to have that stand-up. But I’m certainly willing and ready for the fight if this administration continues to try to force their very expansive government philosophy down our collective throats."

(Article continues below)

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Perry, the state’s longest-serving governor, has made defiance of Washington a hallmark of his state administration as well as his emerging re-election campaign against U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison in the 2010 Republican primary. Earlier this year, Perry refused $555 million in federal unemployment stimulus money, saying it would subject Texas to long-term costs after the federal dollars ended.

Interviewed after returning from a trip to Iraq and Afghanistan, Perry spoke out against President Barack Obama’s healthcare package less than 24 hours after the president used a prime-time news conference Wednesday night to try to sell the massive legislative package to Congress and the public.

'Not the solution’

"It really is a state issue, and if there was ever an argument for the 10th Amendment and for letting the states find a solution to their problems, this may be at the top of the class," Perry said. "A government-run healthcare system is financially unstable. It’s not the solution."

Perry heartily backed an unsuccessful resolution in this year’s legislative session that would have affirmed the belief that Texas has sovereignty under the 10th Amendment over all powers not otherwise granted to the federal government.

In expressing "unwavering support" for the 10th Amendment resolution by state Rep. Brandon Creighton, R-Conroe, Perry said "federal government has become oppressive in its size, its intrusion into the lives of our citizens and its interference with the affairs of our state."

Returning to the "letter and spirit" of the 10th Amendment, he said in April, "will free our state from undue regulations and ultimately strengthen our union."

Perry, in his on-air interview Thursday with Davis, did not specify how he might use the 10th Amendment in opposing the Obama health plan. His spokeswoman, Allison Castle, said that the governor’s first goal is to defeat the plan in Congress and that any discussion of options beyond that would be "hypothetical."

"I don’t think it’s surprising that the governor is taking a stand against it," said Anne Dunkelberg, associate director of the Center for Public Policy Priorities, an Austin-based research organization that supports the House version of Obama’s plan. "Unfortunately, the national dialogue on health reform has been extraordinarily partisan and polarized."

The White House Media Affairs Office, asked to comment on Perry’s statements, did not have an immediate response. In his remarks to the nation Wednesday, Obama restated his midsummer deadline for passage of the bill in Congress, saying it is urgently needed to help families "that are being clobbered by healthcare costs."

High stakes in Texas

Texas has a higher percentage of uninsured people than any other state, with 1 in 4 Texans lacking health coverage. Dunkelberg, whose organization supports policies to help low- and modest-income Texans, said the House version would create a "predictable and comprehensive benefits package" for thousands of struggling middle-income Texans.

Former Rep. Arlene Wohlgemuth of Burleson, a senior fellow for healthcare at the conservative Texas Public Policy Foundation, echoed Perry’s assertion that the Obama plan is the wrong approach and could have disastrous financial consequences for Texas.

Under the Senate version of the bill, she said, an expansion of the joint federal-state Medicaid program for the poor could cost Texas $4 billion a year.

"There are good solutions" to the country’s healthcare problems, Wohlgemuth said. "This isn’t it."

Perry said the plan is another example of the Obama administration’s "massive takeover of the private-sector economy."

"I hope our leaders will look for solutions that don’t dig our country further into debt," he said.

Perry called on Texans in the House and Senate to oppose the plan. "I can’t imagine that anyone from Texas who cares about this state would vote for Obama Care. I don’t care whether you’re Democrat or Republican," he said.

Of those Texans who might consider supporting the plan, he said: "This may sound a little bit harsh, but they might ought to consider representing some other state because they’re sure not representing Texas."

Email Dave Montgomery, 512-476-4294

Source: Star Telegram

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Racist Web Posts Traced to Homeland Security

Earthhope Action Network
by Kirk Semple NY Times

After federal border agents detained several Mexican immigrants in western New York in June, an article about the incident in a local newspaper drew an onslaught of vitriolic postings on its Web site. Some were racist. Others attacked farmers in the region, an apple-growing area east of Rochester, accusing them of harboring illegal workers. Still others made personal attacks about the reporter who wrote the article.

Most of the posts were made anonymously. But in reviewing the logs of its Internet server, the paper, The Wayne County Star in Wolcott, traced three of them to Internet protocol addresses at the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees border protection.

Homeland Security started an investigation into the posts this month, according to the reporter, Louise Hoffman-Broach, and Richard M. Healy, the Wayne County district attorney। A spokeswoman for the federal agency’s inspector general said she could neither confirm nor deny an investigation; department rules prohibit the use of office equipment for the personal transmission of material that could offend fellow employees or the public.

Coming on the eve of the apple harvest season, the Web posts and the investigation — first reported this week on The Star’s Web site — have ratcheted up longstanding tensions in Wayne County, where farmers and laborers have accused immigration officials of using heavy-handed tactics like racial profiling and arbitrary or unjustified detentions.

Such tactics, the farmers say, have scared Hispanic farmworkers from the region just as growers are preparing for the harvest.

Representative Dan Maffei, who represents the area in Congress, said the allegations of overaggressive immigration enforcement, coming from a wide range of constituents, were “of extreme concern.”

“I’m investigating these reports to make sure that people’s rights aren’t being harmed and that the economy of Wayne County is not being harmed,” said Mr. Maffei, a Democrat.

A. J. Price, a regional spokesman for United States Customs and Border Protection, defended the work of the area’s officers. “We are constantly criticized for doing our job, and that’s just part of our job,” Mr. Price said.

Local officials and residents say that beginning about 2006, federal officials stepped up their enforcement of immigration laws in western New York.

Farmers and other residents said the push created a climate of fear in communities whose economies depend on migrant laborers, many of them illegal immigrants.

The Obama administration has moved to a less confrontational policy at work sites, focusing on employers. But Customs and Border Protection, which does not conduct work-site inspections, had not changed its strategy in New York, Mr. Price said.

The latest flare-up began with a boat trip on June 12. A local farmer, Robert Norris, decided to take a Mexican employee and relatives of another worker for a spin on Lake Ontario, Ms. Hoffman-Broach said.

Federal agents stopped the boat because it had too many people on board, Mr. Price said. When some of the passengers were unable to produce documentation proving they were citizens or legal immigrants, he said, they were detained. All but one was eventually released, The Star reported.

The article about the arrests, posted on June 16, led to a torrent of angry Web postings. One, sent from a fake e-mail address, said, “watcha doing to mi wifey, no checky her papeles. she no legal, but she havey benifit card.”

A response, which carried a Homeland Security Internet protocol address, read: “That sounds like my boyfriend. Leave him alones and get your own. My boyfriend works sometimes but he is really good at getting FREE benefits from the Federal and State government.”

Another post, apparently sent from a separate computer linked to Homeland Security, read in part: “These farmers have a problem because the gravy train that they were riding for soooooo long is being brought to light.”

The newspaper removed the posts. It also reported that it had discovered others, dating to last year, that appeared to have come from computers affiliated with Homeland Security.

Source: New York Times

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Friday, July 24, 2009

Democrats Exempt Themselves from Their Own Health Care 'Reform'

Earthhope Action Network
by Chelsea Schilling WND

If government-run health care is such a great idea, why won't members of Congress enroll their own families?

The question has been on the minds of many Americans, but Democrats aren't giving answers. Instead, they are exempting themselves from their own health care "reform."

The Affordable Health Choices Act drafted by Sen. Edward Kennedy's staff and the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee pushes "Americans into stingy insurance plans with tight, HMO-style controls," the Wall Street Journal reports.

(Article continues below)

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At the same time, Page 114 of the act specifically exempts members of Congress from the public plan.

The bill mandates that all other Americans enroll in "qualified" health plans and submit proof of enrollment to the government.

Everyone must report "the name, address, and taxpayer identification number of each individual who is covered under health insurance that is qualifying coverage" and include the "number of months during the calendar year during which each such individual was covered under such health insurance," along with "such other information as the Secretary may prescribe."

Under his plan for health "reform," President Obama has promised Americans that citizens will have the same health care options members of Congress receive. During his presidential campaign, he told an audience in Canton, Ohio, in October 2008: "If you don't have health insurance, you'll be able to get the same kind of health insurance that members of Congress give themselves."

At a news conference June 23, Obama said people will be able to choose their insurance "the same way that federal employees do, same way that members of Congress do."

According to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, "Federal employees, retirees and their survivors enjoy the widest selection of health plans in the country. You can choose from among Consumer-Driven and High Deductible plans that offer catastrophic risk protection with higher deductibles, health savings/reimbursable accounts and lower premiums, or Fee-for-Service (FFS) plans, and their Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO), or Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO) if you live (or sometimes if you work) within the area serviced by the plan."

Mark McClellan, a doctor and economist at the Brookings Institution, told USA Today he believes Congress gets a great deal when it comes to health care options.

"It's significantly more generous than most Americans are getting," said McClellan. According to the report, members of Congress also receive medical care from a Capitol doctor for a small charge and my get treatment at military hospitals – the same medical care offered to presidents and visiting dignitaries.

"They get what bureaucrats get – plus," said Steve Ellis with Taxpayers for Common Sense.

In a June 24 ABC News health care forum anchored from the White House by Diane Sawyer and Charles Gibson, Dr. Orrin Devinsky, a neurologist and researcher at the New York University Langone Medical Center, pointed out that members of Congress may propose government health care solutions for the American public that limit medical care options.

Meanwhile, he explained that lawmakers know that if their own family gets sick, they will be able to afford the best care available, even if it's not provided by insurance.

The following is a video of the discussion:

He asked President Obama if he wouldn't seek outside care for his wife or daughters if they became ill and his public plan limited treatment and tests.

Devinsky asked:

If your wife or your daughter became seriously ill, and things were not going well, and the plan physicians told you they were doing everything that could reasonably be done, and you sought out opinions from some medical leaders in major centers and they said there's another option you should pursue, but it was not covered in the plan, would you potentially sacrifice the health of your family for the greater good of insuring millions or would you do everything you possibly could as a father and husband to get the best health care and outcome for your family?

The president would not pledge not to seek outside care, though he said, "I think families all across America are going through decisions like that all the time. And, you're absolutely right that if it's my family member, if it's my wife, if it's my children, if it's my grandmother, I always want them to get the very best care.

"There's a whole bunch of care that's being provided that every study, that every bit of evidence that we have indicates may not be making us healthier," he said.

But Rep. John Fleming, R-La., a physician, asks if public health care is such a great idea, why don't members of Congress who vote for it actually sign up their own families?

He has offered H. Res. 615 with 53 Republican co-sponsors, which states:

Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that members who vote in favor of the establishment of a public, federal government run health insurance option are urged to forgo their right to participate in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) and agree to enroll under that public option.

Fleming said that under both the House and Senate proposals, members of Congress won't have to participate in the government plan for at least five years – and even after five years, enrollment will still be considered optional. Meanwhile, every other American will be forced to comply with government rules by obtaining "qualifying" plans.

Fleming told Fox News, "All these health care bills that are coming out on the Democrats' side – the 'reform' bills – basically say that Congress is exempt for at least the first five years, and perhaps longer," he said. "I've issued H. Res. 615 that simply says, look, if you vote for this, then you should choose it."

He continued, "We've reached out to every Democrat in the House, and we have yet to have a taker. They want it for every American – except for members of Congress."

Fleming's bill has been referred to the House Committee on House Administration.

On July 16, Rep. Dean Heller, R.-Nev., offered a similar amendment to H.R. 3200 during the House Ways and Means Committee markup that would require members of Congress to enroll in its own government-run health care program. Democrats defeated the amendment by a vote of 21 to 18.

Concerned individuals may contact their respective senators and representatives.

Source: WorldNetDaily

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Obama Administration Begins Opposition to States Claiming Sovereignty and Gun Rights

Earthhope Action Network
by Tom Remington Black Bear Blog Via Infowars

The approval of Sonia Sotomayor as a Supreme Court justice
is vitally important, especially due to the fact that she is anti
Second Amendment and has shown little regard for the
original intent of the Constitution.

The several states are lining up to reclaim their sovereignty and telling the federal government to butt out. This is being done in myriad ways but all are related in that most claim that the Tenth Amendment protects the states from federal tyranny. States are passing resolutions, memorials and two states have passed laws and they intend to apply those laws for their citizens. The two states are Montana and Tennessee.

It was expected that at some point these laws would be challenged and it appears actions to do such has begun. The Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has published open letters to federal firearms license holders in Montana and Tennessee explaining that federal law trumps state law when it comes to gun laws.

“As you may know, federal law requires a license to engage in the business of manufacturing firearms or ammunition, or to deal in firearms, even if the firearms or ammunition remain with the same state. All firearms manufactured by a licensee must be properly marked. Additionally, each licensee must record the type, model, caliber or gauge, and serial number of each firearm manufactured or otherwise acquired, and the date such manufacture or other acquisition was made. Firearms transaction records and NICS background checks must be conducted prior to disposition of firearms to unlicensed persons. These, as well as other Federal requirements and prohibitions, apply whether or not the firearms or ammunition have crossed state lines.

In a report filed by CBS News, it seems to indicate that even though these states are claiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment, the Federal Government may have power over such gun laws as the Firearms Freedom Act, via the Commerce Clause.

Read literally, the Tenth Amendment seems to suggest that the federal government’s powers are limited only to what it has been “delegated,” and the U.S. Supreme Court in 1918 confirmed that the amendment “carefully reserved” some authority “to the states.” That view is echoed by statements made at the time the Constitution was adopted; New Hampshire explicitly said that states kept “all powers not expressly and particularly delegated” to the federal government.

More recently, federal courts have interpreted the Tenth Amendment narrowly, in a way that justifies almost any law on grounds that it intends to regulate interstate commerce.

World Net Daily points out in an article of their own that the Montana Firearms Freedom Act bill declares that Congress has not “expressly pre-empted state regulation of intrastate commerce pertaining to the manufacture on an intrastate basis of firearms, firearms accessories, and ammunition”.

I have been saying for some time that all of this will eventually wend its way through the courts ultimately landing at the feet of the United States Supreme Court. This is one reason the approval of Sonia Sotomayor as a Supreme Court justice is vitally important, especially due to the fact that she is anti Second Amendment and has shown little regard for the original intent of the Constitution.

Also at issue in this debate are pending lawsuits challenging gun laws in other states. Chicago’s gun ban is being challenged after the District of Columbia vs. Heller decision reaffirming an individual right to keep and bear arms. The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that federal gun laws do not pertain to the states, a position taken by Sotomayor.

This is an interesting ruling considering that prior to this the Ninth Circuit Court ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause incorporates the Second Amendment and therefore federal law, which now holds the ruling of the District of Columbia vs. Heller decision, applies to the states rendering them unable to create gun laws that supersede federal laws. This will end up at the Supreme Court.

While we are discussing the Fourteenth Amendment, the Second Amendment and Ninth and Tenth, the BATFE is sending out public letters, assumed to be authorized by the Obama administration, to federal firearms dealers in Montana and Tennessee, stating that federal law supersedes state laws, at least as they pertain to firearms and ammunition.

Where will this all end up? I believe the Supreme Court but I know not how long this may take. In the meantime, the Obama administration, made up of mostly anti-gun people, are grasping to gain control over your right to keep and bear arms. From the day Obama was elected, the people rushed to stores buying up guns and ammunition at unprecedented rates. With the combination of a new president and staff known to want to ban gun and gun sales and the District of Columbia vs. Heller ruling, it has helped spur more laws to relax gun restrictions. This, I am positive, angers the Obama administration.

None of this comes as a surprise to Gary Marbut, President of the Montana Shooting Sports Association. Marbut was directly responsible for the Montana Firearms Freedom Act. In a letter sent to his members of MSSA, Marbut points out what he views as little concern over the letter and how it was expected.

1) The letters are addressed only to FFLs and purport to assert authority only over those licensees already under the federal thumb because of their licenses. We’ve always assumed that people with existing FFLs would not be players in the state-made guns exercise because they will not wish to risk thwarting the earned reputation the BATFE has for vindictiveness. The letters are not addressed to non-FFLs, those folks who are potential participants in the state-made guns business.

2) The BATFE letters may lack any official import because they are not signed by the official who appears in the signature block, but by some unknown other person. It’s difficult to place much credence in a missive upon which the purported issuing person is unwilling to put his signature, and for which the signer is unknown.

3) The essence of the letter is a declaration that the laws that the BATFE enforces supercede the U.S. Constitution and the Tenth Amendment. I understand that the BATFE hopes that is so, but that’s far from proven yet. (We still recommend that nobody make these state-made guns until we can litigate and vet the principles involved.)

4) The letters, if they are official even though unsigned by the issuer, will help us establish standing to get this issue squarely before the federal courts. The feds have thrown down the gauntlet.

I like Montana’s approach to their action in the creation of their Firearms Freedom Act. They are proactively seeking to bring this issue to the courts for a ruling. They believe in their own state’s constitution and that they, according to their contract with the people and the United States Government, have the sovereignty and freedom under the U.S. Constitution, to make their own laws in matters such as this.

This will be a long and drawn out affair but one that is ripe for a good battle. Let’s hope this battle arrives before Obama can stack the Supreme Court with more anti-gun “empathetic” justices.

Source: Black Bear Blog

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Give Gardasil to Boys too, Experts Say

Earthhope Action Network
by Dina Rosendorff ABC News

Audio: Calls for boys and men to receive Gardasil vaccine (AM)

Editor's note: Are we having another WTF? moment in world health affairs in which the elite decide how best to make us sick or possibly dead?

Recent evidence shows the human papilloma virus (HPV), which causes cervical cancer in women, is poised to become one of the leading causes of oral cancer in men because of changing sexual behaviours.

The findings have reignited the debate over whether boys should be given the cervical cancer vaccine, Gardasil.

A visiting British virologist, Professor Margaret Stanley, says governments around the world need to examine the long-term economic and health benefits of immunising boys and young men.

(Article continues below)

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The head of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases at Melbourne's Royal Women's Hospital, Professor Suzanne Garland, says Australia is leading the way in the rollout of the cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil, which immunises against HPV.

"We are in our third year of rolling out the vaccine and we are in the order in the school-based group, in the high 70s, whereas in many other countries, they have only got 30 per cent who have been vaccinated," she said.

But now the vaccination debate has switched genders.

There are growing calls from the medical community for boys and young men to also be vaccinated against HPV.

Advocates include one of Britain's top cervical cancer specialists, Professor Margaret Stanley from Cambridge University, who says a cervical cancer jab in the arms of boys would not just be for the sake of girls.

"These HPVs don't just cause cancer in women. They cause it in men as well. Cancer in the mouth, cancer in the anus and those cancers are very hard to treat," she said.

"As an anti-cancer prevention strategy, I would have thought immunising boys was a sensible way to go."

Professor Stanley is visiting Melbourne as the guest speaker at a cervical cancer conference at the Royal Women's Hospital.


She says the rate of oral cancers linked to HPV is rising, and it is strongly associated with an increase in the practice of oral sex.

"There are some caused by alcohol and tobacco use and they are declining, but there is no doubt that the cancer caused by HPV are on an upward trajectory," she said.

Professor Suzanne Garland says there would be other benefits to vaccinating men against HPV.

"I think it would also help destigmatise this just being a female disease," she said.

The benefits exist, but critics say they do not outweigh the cost of a government-funded vaccination program for boys and young men.

However Professor Stanley rejects that categorically.

"The cost-effective modelling that is being done at the minute has actually not taken into account these other cancers," she said.

"It has really only looked at 'if we immunise boys, what effect will we have on cervix cancer' and I think they need to go back to their models and say 'if we immunise boys, what effect will have on these other cancers and what value for money will that be'."

Source: ABC News

Related Articles

Rally in Albany for Vaccine Rights, Tuesday, June 2

32 Girls Have Died From Gardasil

12-Year-Old Girl Paralysed by Cervical Cancer Vaccine

Gardasil Linked to Seventy-Eight Outbreaks of Genital Warts

Death Toll Linked to Gardasil Vaccine Rises

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Huge: Military Reverses Deployment Rather Than Defend Obama's Citizenship

Jim Condit Jr. Earthhope Action Network

Editor's note: Please scroll down to watch the video. This is amazing and I love the way the military is standing up for the Constitution and for America. This does say that we are in a crisis, though, does it not?.

I've hesitated to publish this (Major Cook story) until I could definitely verify it - so many of the stories in the press spent all the time throwing attempted brickbats (really marshmallows) at combat veteran Major Stefan Frederick Cook and his attorney Orly Taitz - and no time explaining clearly what was going on.

One of the stories I am relying on is: Bombshell: Orders revoked for soldier challenging prez, as World Net Daily (despite my disagreement with them on policy questions and outlook) does not publish false or unverified facts, as far as I know.

Most of you have heard - but in case some haven't: Army Major Stefan Frederick Cook was scheduled to be deployed to Afghanistan. He filed suit asking to see proof that the man sitting in the White House, Obama, is really a US citizen. Cook said he wanted to make sure that he was receiving a lawful order, -- as his military oath precludes him from following unlawful orders.

Cook wanted to make sure he was following the order of the President of the United States, and not some man sitting in the White House who was not eligible to be President of the United States.


GUESS WHAT? The military, two days later, revoked the order sending Cook to Afghanistan - rather than go into court to defend Obama's citizenship. This is HUGE, as they say.

This means that the military high command (for now under the control of the enemies of the USA) is conceding that they cannot prove that Obama is a citizen.

The YouTube featuring a 7 minute live interview with Major Cook and Orly Taitz AFTER THE DEPLOYMENT ORDERS WERE REVOKED can be found here:

Call me with any questions at 531-741-2095.

Jim Condit Jr.
PO Box 11339
Cincinnati, Ohio 45211
Network America

Source: Earthhope Action Network

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Executive Order 13489: It's Unconstitutional, as Are All Executive Orders

by Margie Laupheimer Earthhope Action Network

Some are suggesting that Obama is off the hook concerning his lack of an authentic birth certificate because he wrote Executive Order 13489. This is what I say.

There is nothing in the Constitution that gives the president the authority to write executive orders. Here is what the president is allowed to do. as written in Article II Sections 1. - 4. of the Constitution.

Read it and you'll see that the president has very few powers. Some of them are strong in themselves but the number of them is quite limited and writing laws is not one of them.

The very idea of a president being able to issue decrees for his own protection from the Constitution is a declaration, not only of guilt, but of dictatorship.

(Article continues below)

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An executive order makes decrees as if they were law but according to the Constitution only Congress has the power to write federal law.

Here is Executive Order 13489 Section 2.

Executive Order 13489 Section 2 Wrote:
Sec. 2. Notice of Intent to Disclose Presidential Records. (a) When the Archivist provides notice to the incumbent and former Presidents of his intent to disclose Presidential records pursuant to section 1270.46 of the NARA regulations, the Archivist, using any guidelines provided by the incumbent and former Presidents, shall identify any specific materials, the disclosure of which he believes may raise a substantial question of executive privilege. However, nothing in this order is intended to affect the right of the incumbent or former Presidents to invoke executive privilege with respect to materials not identified by the Archivist. Copies of the notice for the incumbent President shall be delivered to the President (through the Counsel to the President) and the Attorney General (through the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel). The copy of the notice for the former President shall be delivered to the former President or his designated representative.
(b) Upon the passage of 30 days after receipt by the incumbent and
former Presidents of a notice of intent to disclose Presidential records,
the Archivist may disclose the records covered by the notice, unless during that time period the Archivist has received a claim of executive privilege by the incumbent or former President or the Archivist has been instructed by the incumbent President or his designee to extend the time period for a time certain and with reason for the extension of time provided in the notice. If a shorter period of time is required under the circumstances set forth in section 1270.44 of the NARA regulations, the Archivist shall so indicate in the notice.

The only one who can do anything about this is us. Congress won't act. I doubt the Supreme Court will accept the case.

It's up to us and it's way past time. Every day we waste throws us deeper into dictatorship and Nazi America.

What do you all say about this?

Source: Earthhope Action Network

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21st Century Traitors

This is just not America any longer. Any vestiges of what America was have been blown to smithereens by our bastard politicians and trickled away into their sewer of corruption.

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Sunday, July 19, 2009

NY Man Forcibly Sedated for Cavity Search Gets $125k Settlement

Earthhope Action Network

by Stephen C. Webster Raw Story

A man who was forcibly injected with sedative drugs by police so a doctor could search for other drugs in his rectum will receive a handsome settlement from Albany County, New York and Albany Medical Center, a local publication reported Saturday.

“The settlement stems from a federal lawsuit filed two years ago by Tunde Clement, an ex-convict arrested by sheriff’s investigators on March 13, 2006, at the Albany bus terminal,” reported The Times Union.

Following Clement’s forced drugging, a doctor put a camera in his rectum, discovering no drugs. “[The] final indignity came when the hospital sent Clement a bill for $6,792,” noted the Associated Press.

(Article continues below)

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“Clement’s suit claimed his civil rights were violated,” The Times-Union continued. “He filed the federal complaint against Albany Med and several doctors and nurses, and also sued Albany County and Sheriff James Campbell, Inspector John Burke, who heads the narcotics squad that arrested Clement, and eight investigators assigned to Burke’s unit.”

‘Cavity epidemic in Albany’?

Clement is not the first to accuse the Albany police of an unwarranted cavity search. New York criminal defense attorney Scott Greenfield, on his blog Simple Justice, exclaimed that a “cavity epidemic” is underway in Albany.

Constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley explained the seeming rash of invasive searches on his blog:

Women have accused the police of conducting cavity searches with little or no suspicion of crime acts. Crystal Royal, 22, has sued, alleging that she was strip-searched in January by the Albany Police Department and then forced to undergo a pelvic cavity search at Albany Medical Center Hospital. Nothing was found.

This filing follows another complaint by Lisa Shutter who charged that she was given a cavity search on a public street during a traffic stop in December.

Royal said that was stopped by police on the interstate even though she had valid license and properly registered car. She also alleges that police took her cellphone and inspected her call list. She was then given a strip search and cavity search at the station — nothing was found. She was later charged with a felony drug conspiracy count.

The Times-Union noted: “People under arrest normally cannot be forcibly sedated without a court order unless they are in imminent danger, such as when a bag of drugs bursts inside them and they have a seizure or fall unconscious. The hospital’s records indicate Clement was behaving normally and showed no signs of any medical emergency.”

“There are a bunch of people running around Albany in uniform, with guns and shields, committing crimes against people and collecting public paychecks for their efforts,” wrote Greenfield. “Who stops them? How would you like to be Lisa Shutter explaining why the cops performed a cavity search of you on the street. How would you like to be the doctor drugging Tunde Clement and performing an anoscopy because the cops told you to do it. This is mere inches away from Abner Louima.”

Source: Raw Story

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