by James Ostrowski Political Class Dismissed July 9, 2009
Libertarians are trying to figure out how we are getting blamed for the shooting at the Holocaust Museum. I suppose the best response is to hire a team of psychiatrists to analyze what is the major malfunction of the purveyors of this insanity.
I really can’t tell you precisely why this is happening anymore than I can explain many other types of depraved and crazy behavior.
Here’s what I can say.
• They are sensing the imminent failure of Obama and his regime and are desperate to distract attention away from that. Even the liberal Democratic regime in NY is disintegrating and becoming a national joke.
• The left loves free speech in theory but hates when their opponents exercise it in practice। The major sickness of the left is now and always was utopianism. Because liberals have a special insight into how to make the world perfect, they feel the moral imperative to establish that utopia by any means necessary. If free speech has to go, so be it. If heads must roll, well, the left invented that in the first place! The left at its core is ruthless and will use violence, repression or deceit to achieve its impossible dream of heaven on earth. (What’s wrong with earth on earth?)
• The left is using the classic smear technique of grouping together disparate persons, groups and ideologies that may share some accidental characteristics, to imply that they share other, unsavory characteristics. (E.g., Hitler was a vegetarian, Ostrowski is a vegetarian, therefore, Ostrowski is a war criminal) As Lew Rockwell pointed out today, the shooter liked paper money inflation so if you do too, you are guilty of murder. He hated Christianity so if you are an atheist, you contributed to this murder.
• I like to point out that modern liberalism is rooted in pragmatism. This latest round of left wing hate speech is consistent with that theory. Pragmatists don’t really belief in truth, just “consequences.” They wish to suppress speech they disagree with since it might in some unexplained and convoluted way, lead to violence. But what about the truth? Is it okay if I speak the truth? Well, they don’t believe in that old fashioned concept.
• Reaction formation–of course, by associating innocent people with a vicious murder, the left is itself engaging in hate speech. Much of this hate speech makes explicit reference to the race and gender and age of the targets.
• There’s the obvious irony of libertarians, whose doctrine is based on the strict prohibition of violence, being accused of inciting violence by progressives whose doctrine sanctions massive state violence and whose heroes have gotten us into an endless stream of bloody wars ever since 1917 and whose current hero is regularly committing war crimes against civilians in three Asian wars as we speak.
• Finally, this mundane observation. I never met a liberal yet who could sustain a half-way decent argument against libertarianism. Is the hate speech gambit anything more than a heavy-handed attempt to terminate a debate they know they cannot win. When’s the last time a libertarian tried to shut anyone up or regulate the content of speech or dodge a debate? Libertarians invented free speech in the first place!
Source: Political Class Dismissed
Comment at Earthhope Forums
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