Thursday, September 24, 2009

Marines to Conduct "Urban Exercises" in Kentucky, Indiana

Earthhope Action Network
by Paul Miles Kentucky News Network

The Marines are landing in our backyard.

2,300 Marines are converging on this region for two weeks of intensive training in preparation for an upcoming deployment.

(Article continues below)

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Part of the training involves exercises in small cities in Kentucky and southern Indiana. Simulated missions will take place in Frankfort late next week.

Beginning today, you may see Marine aircraft in the skies. They include the Cobra and Chinook helicopters and Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft.

The Marines, from Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, will base their training at Camp Atterbury in southern Indiana.

Source: Kentucky News Network

Obama Will Bypass Congress to Detain Suspects Indefinitely

Earthhope Action Network
by John Byrne Raw Story

President Barack Obama has quietly decided to bypass Congress and allow the indefinite detention of terrorist suspects without charges.

The move, which was controversial when the idea was first floated in The Washington Post in May, has sparked serious concern among civil liberties advocates. Such a decision allows the president to unilaterally hold "combatants" without habeas corpus -- a legal term literally meaning "you shall have the body" -- which forces prosecutors to charge a suspect with a crime to justify the suspect's detention.

Obama's decision was buried on page A 23 of The New York Times' New York edition on Thursday. It didn't appear on that page in the national edition. (Meanwhile, the front page was graced with the story, "Richest Russian's Newest Toy: An N.B.A. Team".)

(Article continues below)

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Rather than seek approval from Congress to hold some 50 Guantanamo detainees indefinitely, the administration has decided that it has the authority to hold the prisoners under broad-ranging legislation passed in the wake of Sept. 11, 2001. Former President George W. Bush frequently invoked this legislation as the justification for controversial legal actions -- including the NSA's warrantless wiretapping program.

"The administration will continue to hold the detainees without bringing them to trial based on the power it says it has under the Congressional resolution passed after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, authorizing the president to use force against forces of Al Qaeda and the Taliban," the Times' Peter Baker writes. "In concluding that it does not need specific permission from Congress to hold detainees without charges, the Obama administration is adopting one of the arguments advanced by the Bush administration in years of debates about detention policies."

Constitutional scholar and columnist Glenn Greenwald discussed the policy in a column in May. He warned that the ability for a president to "preventively" detain suspects could mushroom into broader, potentially abusive activity.

"It does not merely allow the U.S. Government to imprison people alleged to have committed Terrorist acts yet who are unable to be convicted in a civilian court proceeding," Greenwald wrote. "That class is merely a subset, perhaps a small subset, of who the Government can detain. Far more significant, 'preventive detention' allows indefinite imprisonment not based on proven crimes or past violations of law, but of those deemed generally 'dangerous' by the Government for various reasons (such as, as Obama put it yesterday, they 'expressed their allegiance to Osama bin Laden' or 'otherwise made it clear that they want to kill Americans'). That's what 'preventive' means: imprisoning people because the Government claims they are likely to engage in violent acts in the future because they are alleged to be 'combatants.'"

"Once known, the details of the proposal could -- and likely will -- make this even more extreme by extending the 'preventive detention' power beyond a handful of Guantanamo detainees to anyone, anywhere in the world, alleged to be a 'combatant,'" Greenwald continues. "After all, once you accept the rationale on which this proposal is based -- namely, that the U.S. Government must, in order to keep us safe, preventively detain "dangerous" people even when they can't prove they violated any laws -- there's no coherent reason whatsoever to limit that power to people already at Guantanamo, as opposed to indefinitely imprisoning with no trials all allegedly 'dangerous' combatants, whether located in Pakistan, Thailand, Indonesia, Western countries and even the U.S."

The Obama Administration appears to have embraced "preventive detention" in part because of problems with how Guantanamo prisoners' cases -- and incarceration -- were handled under President Bush. Military prosecutors have said that numerous cases could not be brought successfully in civilian courts because evidence was obtained in ways that wouldn't be admissible on US soil. The Bush Administration originally sought to try numerous detainees in military tribunals, but the Supreme Court ruled that at least some have the rights to challenge their detention in US courts.

Baker notes that Obama's decision to hold suspects without charges doesn't propose as broad an executive authority claimed by President Bush.

"Obama’s advisers are not embracing the more disputed Bush contention that the president has inherent power under the Constitution to detain terrorism suspects indefinitely regardless of Congress," Baker writes.

In a statement to Baker, the Justice Department said, “The administration would rely on authority already provided by Congress [and] is not currently seeking additional authorization.”

“The position conveyed by the Justice Department in the meeting last week broke no new ground and was entirely consistent with information previously provided by the Justice Department to the Senate Armed Services Committee,” the statement added.

Roughly 50 detainees of the more than 200 still held at the US prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba are thought to be affected by the decision.

Related article:

Obama's Outrageous 'Indefinite Detention of Those Who May Commit a Crime' Speech

Source: Raw Story

Swine Flu Made in USA

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

50,000 Muslims to appear at White House to claim "Our Time Has Come"

It just keeps getting more and more insane by the minute. I can hardly believe this but it's for real -- check the links to their website.

"This was sent to me from a friend and well known author...I consider it totally credible although I have not personally researched it. I think that all of us should be angered... not just Christians.

I don’t know about you folks but I am getting a bit tired of this kind of stuff. If you don’t think this movement needs national up on what has happened to every nation these people set up shop.

Yesterday we saw that the flag of the communist People's Republic of China will now be flown in the south lawn of the White House.

Today we learn that "A Day of Islamic Unity" is going to be held on Capitol Hill, with an anticipated 50,000 Islamic worshippers. Go to the web site for this event -- which, by the way, is called "The Movement" -- and look at the words at the bottom of the home page: OUR TIME HAS COME.

If you click on the link on that page to "Program" you'll see this headline:

50,000 believers in the Greatness of Allah praying for the greater good of all people.

Of course, in the religion of Islam, the "greater good of all people" means you must be converted to Islam, or die. Those aren't my words. Those are the words of their own Koran.

This is getting pretty serious folks. This is not play stuff. We are being overrun from all sides. And it is getting high time we stand our ground as Christians and do something about it.

Assalaamu Alaikum,

We encourage all Muslims to take part in this historic event taking place on Capitol Hill on Sepetember 25, 2009. To help make this event possible, here are some of the following ways that you can help to make this event successful:

Organize And Coordinate Transportation In Your Area

Distribute Flyers And Advertise:

· Local Masjids
· Universities
· Restaurants
· Hospitals
· Muslim Businesses
· Islamic Institutions
· Sponsor Adds In Local News Papers, TV, Radio Stations

Promote The Event In The Following Ways:

· Announce At Local Masjids
· Organize Street Teams
· Use Of Voice Mail
· Promote Event During Ramadan Iftar Dinners
· Promote Event During Taraweeh Prayer Gatherings
· Promote Event On Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube,,, Wordpress, Text Messaging, MMS, AIM, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Groups, Craigslist

Sponsors Are Needed In The Following Areas:

· Sound System
· Water
· Porta Johns (Rest Rooms)
· Marketing ads for: tv, radio, newspaper, websites, email express mailing
· stage, banners, prayer rugs
· Food
· live webcast

Lend Us Your Expertise : If There Are Any Other Way That You Can Help, Please Forward Us Your Experience And A Staff Member Will Contact You .


Sunday, September 6, 2009

If At First You Don't Secede…

Earthhope Action Network
by Jim O'Neill Canada Free Press

Ovid Wrote:
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason? Why if it prosper, none dare call it treason.” —Ovid (43 BC—circa 17 AD)

'Mass immigration, economic decline, and moral degradation' will trigger a civil war in the United States

Last winter the predictions of Russian analyst Igor Panarin made quite a splash. It may prove salutary to revisit Panarin’s forecasts. Because of the economic crisis, Obama-Care, et al., things tend to get lost in the shuffle.

According to Andrew Osborne’s article in the WSJ (Wall Street Journal), Panarin predicts that “mass immigration, economic decline, and moral degradation” will trigger a civil war in the United States.

According to Panarin, we can expect civil war to erupt just about—what time is it?—now.

(Article continues below)

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Panarin, who has been making this forecast since 1998, reiterated last year that civil war will break out in the U.S. sometime in the fall of 2009. It now being the fall of 2009, you may want to keep on your toes.

He says that as a result of the civil war, America will break up into pieces.

According to Panarin, by late next spring, or early next summer, the U.S. will have divided itself into six segments—with the west coast and the northeast coast of the United States going to China and the European Union, respectively.

No more Boxer, Pelosi, Franks, Rangel, Leahy, Waxman—my, the list just goes on.

You can imagine my sadness as I wave goodbye to Massachusetts, Vermont, Oregon, and California —“Wahoo! So long—adios! Don’t feel any need to call or write! Don’t let the screen door… never-mind. Wait—you forgot Chicago!”

Goodbye, and good riddance. Infest some other country with your lame-brained economics, asinine policies, and vociferous whining. I feel better just thinking about it.

In Shakespeare’s words, “Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.”

But, alas, it’s nothing more than a wistful fantasy.

The idea of seceding from the United States, or breaking up the United States into ideologically cohesive units, are simply not viable solutions. If at first you don’t secede—don’t.

The collectivists (communists, fascists, Marxists, statists, whatever) are intent on a global hegemony. They will not be satisfied with merely breaking up the United States, They will come after all remaining pockets of capitalism and free enterprise—count on it. Any such diminished entities will be easy pickings.

Also, there is the fact that because they control Hollywood and the media, and tend to be such obnoxious loudmouths, the Far Left appear to comprise more of the population then they actually do. It’s one of Alinsky’s rules—make the enemy think that there are more of you than there really are.

Which is not to say that there are not a lot of 0-bots, but to point out that there are many more patriotic Americans in all parts of the U.S., then one might suspect—even in Massachusetts, Vermont, Oregon, and California. In fact, these long silent patriots are bestirring themselves in great numbers. Thank God. (There are a substantial number of Democrats among them—welcome aboard).

It’s worth noting that Panarin worked for years at the KGB, and that after the dissolution of the former USSR, he worked for the Russian FAPSI—the Russian equivalent of our NSA, National Security Agency.

Panarin has based his predictions on classified Russian intelligence documents. Do you think it’s possible that he knows something we don’t?

Panarin says that after the collapse of the United States of America, Communist China and a re-emergent Communist Russia, will control the world—coming soon to a planet near you. Going by Panarin’s forecast, by this time next year it will all be a fait accompli. It’s no wonder that Congress is so dismissive of us hoi polloi.

The Obama administration has ignored a debt of staggering proportions (a debt owed to Communist China), has tried to saddle the U.S. with crippling economic policies, has seized control of most of the U.S. auto industry, has to a large extent gobbled up banking, has implemented a “stimulus” package that ignores small business—the source of 90% of American jobs. (A “stimulus” package written by the Apollo Alliance, which is headed by rabid anti-American domestic terrorist Jeff Jones).

They have stuffed the administration with radical, wack-job czars, they are attacking the CIA, and are aiding and abetting anti-American terrorists.

The list goes on—and on. Can there be any doubt about what the Obama Administration intends for the U.S.? The answer is no, unless you are a kool-aid drinking O-bot, or are exceptionally slow at grasping the nature of things.

The options at this point, really come down to choosing a reactive civil war, or a pro-active civil war. Do we want to be manipulated and maneuvered down a timeline not of our choosing, or take preemptive action on our own terms?

The situation is not going to simply disappear by wishing it away. We need to get our heads out of the sand, and get our butts in gear.

And pray—“The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”

The Far Left, which is based on greed, narcissism, and lies, does not understand spirituality and truth. For “the light shines in the darkness; and the darkness comprehends it not.” They don’t know our strength.

There is infinite power, energy, and guidance that we can avail ourselves of, and definite cause for hope.

Regardless, America does not go down on our watch. Not on our watch.

Laus Deo.

Born in June of 1951 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Jim O’Neill proudly served in the U.S. Navy from 1970-1974 in both UDT-21 (Underwater Demolition Team) and SEAL Team Two. A member of MENSA, he worked as a commercial diver in the waters off Scotland, India, and the United States. In 1998 while attending the University of South Florida as a journalism student, O’Neill won “First Place” in the “Carol Burnett/University of Hawaii AEJMC Research in Journalism Ethics Award. The annual contest was set up by Carol Burnett with the money she won from successfully suing the National Enquirer for libel.

Jim O'Neill Most recent columns

Source: Canada Free Press

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Obama Calls Opponents to Government Health Care Terrorists and Devils on His Page

by Margie Laupheimer Earthhope Action Network

The Obama administration published a page on it's site which has since been taken down. It can still be found in Google cache or when this becomes unavailable it can be viewed here.

Here Obama calls opponents to his National Health Care Bill terrorists. He says:

All 50 States are coordinating in this as we fight back against our own Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists who are subverting the American Democratic Process, whipped to a frenzy by their Fox Propaganda Network ceaselessly re-seizing power for their treacherous leaders.

How he figures that those who express dissent are "subverting the American democratic process" is beyond me. It would seem that this is the American democratic process.

(Article continues below)

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Let me get this straight. If I don't agree with Barack Obama I suddenly become a domestic terrorist. Wow. So I guess, with this statement, I can also assume that Mr. Obama is not my president, either. He's only my president when I agree with him. I'll agree that Obama is not my president, but for other reasons. And I get to decide whether he's my president -- he does not.

So we don't have a president of the United States any longer. We have a president that only represents those who support his views. This is astounding.

He says:

DO YOU WANT to ensure passage of the Public Plan? Since 75% of Americans support it, I guess it's time for us Seventy-Five Percenters to be heard. Why Public Plan? = Because It’s American To Take Care Of Our Own!

You're a liar, Barack Obama. Firstly, I'd like to see the poll figures that show that 75% of Americans support your bill. Secondly, if this is so, why are you even concerned? Why are you concerned enough to post this page? A: Because it's just not so... not even close. If you hadn't gotten the opposition you did at Townhalls across the country you wouldn't even be asserting this vacuous lying crap.

"Because It’s American To Take Care Of Our Own!" This statement exemplifies how Obama and his followers don't grasp the concept of what America is about. We take care of each other, nitwits, on a personal level, not the level of government doing the job for us. America is about having a small, limited government and individual liberty, not a huge expanding government that runs every aspect of our lives. I suggest that Obama and his followers check out places like communist China or North Korea where they would feel right at home rather than twisting what was once uniquely American into the hopes and dreams of the likes of Karl Marx and forcing their communist agenda down all our throats.

The page goes on to say:



Burris, Roland W. - (D - IL)
(202) 224-2854

Durbin, Richard J. - (D - IL)
(202) 224-2152

I suggest we opposers of the Health Care Bill do the same on 9/11 and make those calls.

When they call us domestic terrorists they're not kidding. He also says this:


We are the heirs of Bil Laden! Holy freaking crap! Democrats, I have a question for you. Exactly what is the difference between this statement and George W. Bush's proclamation, "You're either with us or you're with the terrorists."? The only difference I can see is it takes the whole insane bit one step further because we're not even talking about the Sept. 11th attacks, we're talking about something not even related to the attacks. We are now ordered to agree with President Obama, about........... everything... If not we're the descendants of Osama Bin Laden!!!

He then, incredibly, says this:

But don't hate them: Misguided citizens are easy-pickings for demagogues, whom they blindly follow because they’ve been trained all their lives not to question the dogma of their religion, so it’s natural for them NOT TO QUESTION what’s being spoon-fed to them by their FALSE PROPHETS who, themselves, shamelessly seek Worldly Glory.

Hmm, (1) I'm not Republican so this statement is just false. (2) Now he's using religion against his dissenters! "FALSE PROPHETS who, themselves, shamelessly seek Worldly Glory." Does this statement allude to the Democrats mad illusion that Obama is God? Why, yes it does.

He goes on to assert:

They don’t apply the simple Test: “Am I being led closer to God, when I do what these folks say? – Or, am I on a Bullet-Train to the Devil, and I’m just a pawn to make these folks richer and more powerful?” Because, you know: the Faith one has in God, is different from faith one should have in Man. And you need to be even MORE skeptical, when one of ‘em says that God picked them for something or another. You can bet whatever they’re doing is making them more powerful/ more wealthy, and certainly less pious, no? Ooops, and following them is making YOU less pious too, in thought, and in deed. Yesseree, it’s a real thing to chew on.

A real thing to chew on, Obamatrons, is Obama is not God.

Please wake up before it's too late and we all wake up to find our Republic in a heap of smoking rubble

See also Communist Messiahs of the World.

Source: Earthhope Action Network

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Russian Professor: Collapse of America Could Begin in Two Months

Earthhope Action Network
by Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet

Doomsday author says Obama is doing nothing to forestall disintegration

Russian Professor Igor Panarin says that events are continuing to confirm his doomsday prediction first made over 10 years ago, that the United States will completely collapse like the Soviet Union before the end of 2010, and warns that the chaos could begin to unfold in as little as two months.

Panarin, doctor of political sciences and professor of the Russian Diplomatic Academy Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told journalists during the unveiling of his new book yesterday that President Obama has done nothing to forestall the fast approaching crisis and that it could begin to properly unfold in November.

“Obama is “the president of hope”, but in a year there won’t be any hope,” said Panarin. “He’s practically another Gorbachev – he likes to talk but hasn’t really managed to do anything. Gorbachev at least had been a secretary of a regional communist party administration, whereas Obama was just a social worker. His mentality is totally different. He’s a nice person and talks nicely – but he’s not a leader and will take America to a crash. When Americans understand that – it will be like a bomb explosion.”

(Article continues below)

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Since 1998, Panarin has been warning of a future disintegration of the United States and the collapse of the dollar. The recent election victory for Japan’s Democratic Party is another sign that the economic collapse of the U.S. is imminent, according to Panarin.

“Today I received another confirmation that the collapse of the dollar and the US is inevitable. Japan’s Democratic Party won the election, and I’d like to remind you that its leader [Yukio Hatoyama] has the snubbing of the dollar among his economic plans. In plainer words, he plans to transfer Japan’s monetary reserves from US dollars into another currency. The move will seriously accelerate the dollar’s exchange slump as early as this November. Disintegration will follow shortly,” he said, adding that next year China would also begin to massively dump the dollar and that Russia would begin to sell oil and gas for roubles.

Panarin previously stated that the dollar would eventually be replaced with “a common Amero currency as a new monetary unit”, referring to the Security and Prosperity Partnership agreement between the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

He foresees the U.S. breaking up into six different parts, roughly along lines similar to those of 1865 during the Civil War, “The Pacific coast, with its growing Chinese population; the South, with its Hispanics; Texas, where independence movements are on the rise; the Atlantic coast, with its distinct and separate mentality; five of the poorer central states with their large Native American populations; and the northern states, where the influence from Canada is strong,” according to Panarin.

Longer term, Panarin predicts that the breakaway states will eventually be taken over by the European Union, Canada, China, Mexico, Japan and Russia and America will cease to exist altogether, as depicted in the illustration above.

Panarin blames the collapse on a “political elite that implements an absurd and aggressive policy that aims to create conflicts around the planet” and warns that increasing firearms sales in the U.S. are a sign that people are preparing for “chaos” in the aftermath of a total financial meltdown.

“In my opinion, the probability of the US ceasing to exist by June, 2010 exceeds 50%. At this point, the mission of all major international powers is to prevent chaos in the US,” Panarin concluded.

Watch a clip from Russia Today below.

Source: Prison Planet

Zogby: Obama Approval Plummets to 42 Percent

Earthhope Action Network

President Barack Obama's job approval rating is down to 42%, with a decline in approval from Democrats the leading factor.

The latest Zogby Interactive poll of 4,518 likely voters conducted from August 28-31 found 48% disapprove and 42% approve of the job Obama is doing. The poll found 75% of Democrats approve of Obama's performance, a drop of 13 points among Democrats from an interactive poll done July 21-24 of this year. That same poll found 48% of all likely voters approving of Obama's job performance, and 49% disapproving.

In the most recent poll, 8% of Republicans and 37% of Independents approve of Obama's job performance. Both are down slightly from six weeks ago; two points among Republicans and three among Independents.

The tables below compare changes from July 24 to Aug. 31 in Obama's job approval among some of the groups who were Obama's strongest supporters in the November election;

Democrats Aug. 31 July 24

Approve 75% 88%

Disapprove 13% 10%

Not Sure 12% 2%

Liberals Aug. 31 July 24

Approve 86% 95%

Disapprove 4% 4%

Not Sure 10% 2%

African-Americans Aug. 31 July 24

Approve 74% 83%

Disapprove 21% 17%

Not Sure 5% .4%

Ages 18-29 Aug. 31 July 24

Approve 41% 59%

Disapprove 41% 38%

Not Sure 19% 3%

In the time between the two aforementioned polls, Zogby conducted a similar interactive survey from Aug. 18-20. That poll found 45% of all likely voters approving of Obama's job performance and 51% disapproving. So Obama is up very slightly overall from 10 days earlier.

The Aug. 28-31 poll also found that:

• 17% give Obama an excellent job rating, 25% rate him good, 16% fair and 41% poor. Combining the two highest and lowest rankings shows 42% rating Obama positively and 57% negatively. (This is the standard Zogby International has used for many years in measuring job performance.)

• Likely voters are closely split on whether they have a favorable opinion of Obama, with 50% favorable and 48% unfavorable. Democrats are more positive about Obama personally than they are of his job performance, with 85% rating him favorably.

• 52% of all likely voters are proud to have Obama as President, and 35% are ashamed. The percentage of those proud is unchanged from six weeks ago.

• A majority of likely voters (53%) believe the U.S. headed in the wrong direction, with 38% saying right direction.

The margin of error for the poll is +/- 1.5 percentage points. Margins of error are higher in sub-groups.

Source: Newsmax

The Top 7 Most Embarrassing Town Hall Moments for Democrats

Earthhope Action Network
by John Hawkins Townhall

Sadly, for Republicans who have richly enjoyed watching Democrats getting a taste of their own medicine at town halls across the country, the August recess is winding down. Still, there are already so many memories. Humiliating, awful, scarring memories that are likely to still be haunting Democrats when November of 2010 rolls around.

7) Steny Hoyer vs. Don Jeror: Nancy Pelosi's condescending 2nd in command, Steny Hoyer, ran into a buzzsaw named Dan Jeror who, after emphasizing that he was a registered Democrat, got off one of the best lines of the summer so far:

"Why would you guys try to stuff a health care bill down our throats in three to four weeks when the President took six months to pick a dog for his kids?"

(Article continues below)

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6) Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH) has a constituent removed from a town hall for asking her a question: Yes, Carol-Shea Porter actually had one of her own constituents, a retired policeman, hauled out of a meeting for daring to ask her a question. Apparently, he didn't have some sort of Willie Wonka style golden ticket that enables mere voters to speak in her presence. To add insult to injury, Carol-Shea Porter even made a snide comment as he was hauled away, "I do hope the movie theater can be a little quieter for you." It wasn’t that great of a line. She should have just gone full Mary Antoinette on the guy and cackled, "Let him eat cake" while she rubbed her hands together and sneered.

5) Steny Hoyer and Nancy Pelosi take to USA Today to call protesters "un-American": Remember when dissent used to be "patriotic" and how courageous it used to be to "speak truth to power?" Well, those were the old days. Now that the Democrats are in charge, it's "un-American" to "speak the truth to power" and doing so is probably an indication that you're part of a potentially dangerous "angry mob."

4) Nancy Pelosi says town hall protesters are "Astroturf":
Nothing cools down angry voters like having the Speaker of the House accuse them of being Nazis. Oh, and what better way for the "Astroturf" to blend in with the grassroots than to carry a swastika to a meeting? That makes sense, right? At least Pelosi's moronic meandering did inspire Marine David Hedrick, during a memorable town hall rant, to quip: "If Nancy Pelosi Wants to find a swastika, maybe the first place she should look is on the sleeve of her own arm."

3) A liberal fakes an attack on the Colorado Democratic Party headquarters: It's cheating a bit to include this one, but it's so good that it needs to make the list. After the Colorado Democratic Party headquarters was vandalized, "State Democratic Party Chairwoman Pat Waak initially blamed the vandalism on animosity surrounding the health care debate." Yet, it turned out that the perpetrator was a left-wing activist named Maurice Schwenkler. If this were the old Batman TV show and there were no such thing as Godwin's Law, Robin would be yelling out, "Holy Reichstag fire, Batman!"

2) Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee talks on the phone as a woman asks a question at a town hall event: If a movie tried to show a member of Congress, at a town hall meeting, yapping away on a cell phone while her constituent was trying to ask them a question, people would pan it as unrealistic. Yet, Sheila Jackson Lee actually did it and then later explained, "In Congress, we have to multi-task." Gee, where do the American people get this crazy idea that members of Congress aren't listening to them?

1) Kenneth Gladney is beaten by union thugs: A black man at a political rally was assaulted by white thugs who used racial epithets. The man was beaten so badly that he was forced to use a wheelchair and the response from liberals was...well, we're actually still waiting for a response. The conservative response was to start bringing guns to the town hall meetings. Since then, for the most part, the unions have decided to behave themselves. It's just more proof than an armed society is a polite society.

Source: Townhall