According to the government of Virginia patriots, and particularly
patriotic hillbillies, are terrorists
The Virgina government document discussed in this article has since been removed from the site. It can still be viewed here
Trooper John R. Wright of the Virginia State Police, in a poorly written rag, has called for the citizens of Virginia to keep an eye out for possible terrorists and report them to the police. He asserts that "this is not about spying on neighbors" but then goes on to explain how it is about spying on people on the street who look suspicious.
(A good description of) and an example of a person who looks suspicious is:
“a white male, about 6 ft tall wearing black combat pants, a black t-shirt, and boots with the pants tucked in, taking notes for at least 2 hours outside the front entrance to the Courthouse. He was standing near a brown Ford pick-up truck, PA SYE-141, with a rusting tailgate and a bumper sticker that said, “Say No to the New World Order”.”
Okay, so in other words, an example of a terrorist is a hillbilly with a pickup truck made in the USA, that has a rusty tailgate, who wears black pants tucked into his boots and a black t-shirt, who is against a one-world-government, and who takes notes for two hours outside a court room door. Well, (minus the note-taking outside a court room door), that could be me and a lot of people I know.
And even if this 'terroristic' person did take notes for two hours outside the courtroom door, what was the self-appointed spy doing sitting there for two hours watching him? Either he is engaged in funky activities himself or he's getting his nuts off working for Janet Napolitano and the C.I.A.
Once again, calling all liberals, and as the immortal George Carlin once said, "Blow me lady."
(Article continues below)
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The purpose of terrorism
"What is the purpose of terrorism?", Trooper John R. Wright asks the reader.
The immediate goals of terrorism, it says, are to cause:
and to..
Embarrass the government.
This last one is hilarious to me, and I believe most people from the entire political spectrum, with the possible exception of diehard Neo-cons, will agree that the government embarrassed itself here, no terrorist needed to embarrass it. Ha ha ha. Thanks for the laugh.
The document asserts that the purpose of and long-term goals of terrorism are to force policy change and to overthrow governments. We are then shown this screen which is just randomly thrown in with the rest like a pair of sneakers into a pot of soup.
After all, why would American Indians want to have their piece of the USA? Okay, they seem to like Obama, I don't, and I really know little about this group. I'm still amused by the suggestion of a tie between American Indians and groups wanting a piece of America.
How we terrorists operate
Next we are told how terrorists operate and the first thing mentioned on the list is low key terrorism. Low key terrorism includes graffiti, vandalism, threats and civil disobedience. Wait a minute, graffiti is a form of terrorism? I never would have guessed that. Vandalism sounds more like a petty crime to me or possibly a larger one, depending on the extent of the vandalism -- but terrorism? Threats is so vague it means absolutely nothing. You mean if I threaten to ban someone on my forum after they try to break into my admin control panel, an action that actually happened today, I am a possible terrorist? Or could they mean threats like supporting bills that would force transparency and audits of the Federal Reserve Bank?
Civil disobedience is now classified by the Virginia government as a terrorist activity. Okay, a bunch of people are refusing to follow some Unconstitutional law (Unconstitutional law being a bill that has passed that goes directly against our Constitution) and these people need to be identified and reported to the Virginia government as terrorists. In that case I am a proud terrorist and so are millions of others. If this is the definition of terrorism count me in.
Suddenly, we are told about kidnapping and skyjackings, arson and bombings, and weapons of mass destruction followed by a number of descriptions of WMDs. Wow! So patriots who are opposed to mostly oppressive laws that break our Constitution should be watched because we may use biological or nuclear weapons... huh? ...while they are performing acts of civil disobedience, like, perhaps, refusing to pay federal income taxes? Never would have guessed that, either. Again, this question comes to mind, "are we still in America?"
The Document has been taken down from the Va gov site
Well, end of article. The document is no longer up on the Virginia gov. site. Wait.. no, I found it! Thanks to I'm surrounded by Idiots, who had the foresight to save the page, it can now be viewed here.
Our tools of terrorism and destruction
We are told that we terrorists (I'm guessing they're suggesting about 66% of the American public) have many tools at our disposal including, but not limited to, kidnapping and skyjacking, arson and bombings, and weapons of mass destruction. I wasn't aware that the average American citizen had access to chemical, biological, and radiological WMDs, but you learn something new every day. And, that we terrorists are the ones who brought the World Trade Center down. (But then again we knew that when the Patriot Act stated that Americans are the enemy combatants of the state.)
More stuff
In between our tools of destruction and maimings, bank robberies, counterfeiting, narcotics and distortion is..
.. with absolutely no explanation or further elucidation. I suppose we can draw some obvious conclusions from what it says but again how did this spent shell get into my bowl of oatmeal?
Our enemies
Here's one of my personal favorites.
Liberal whites?
Patriotic Americans are terrorists
• They defend gun rights and other Constitutional issues.
• The Constitution is the law of the land, but never mind.
• They protest taxes
• Are concerned with loss of sovereignty
• They may protest animal abuse
• They may protest environmental abuse
• They may be anti-abortion
Anarchists are terrorists
I suppose that would include Henry David Thoreau and Thomas Jefferson, who was an anarchist at heart.
Is it that anti-globalization and anti-war groups are anarchists or anarchists are bad because they oppose war and globalization?
These guys may be terrorists but...LOL
And we are told what to look for and who to look for and how to give good descriptions and generally how to spy on each other and report our findings to the government, who will investigate what we report and on and on and on.
Welcome to Hitler's Germany...
or is it Obama's America?
Source: Earthhope Action Network
Photo: God Like Productions
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