by Anthony G. Martin Examiner
When Barack Obama first began to run for the Presidency as soon as he was elected to the Senate out of nowhere in 2006, most Americans had never heard of an organization called ACORN.
But in actuality the group has been around a long time. Although it has changed its name to avoid the growing scandal associated with its tactics, it is still the same old gang of goons and thugs it always was.
Originally set up to be a supposed 'non-partisan, community organization' group that set about to advocate for changes in poor neighborhoods, including registering minorities to vote, ACORN has become a symbol of all that's wrong with the current Administration, Democrats in Congress, and American society in general.
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In at least 25 states, ACORN is facing federal charges for fraud, illegal registration of non-citizens to vote, registering people to vote with fictitious names, registering the dead to vote, and using intimidation tactics straight out of the playbook of the Chicago mob to browbeat people into voting for Barack Obama.
And did you catch the fact that ACORN has been the recipient and continues to this day to be the recipient of billions of dollars of your tax money? You did remember that, didn't you?
However, while Congress and the American public seem all-too-willing to turn their heads with winks, nods, and smiles at worst, and a complete lackadaisical attitude at best, a scandal of universal promotions is occurring that puts to shame the Watergate break-in that brought down the Nixon Administration in 1975. At least in Watergate there were no charges of voter fraud or intimidation.
So serious have been the charges leveled against ACORN, even by some of its own members, that U.S. Representative John Conyers--a rabid African-American Democratic Party partisan--stated in a committee hearing on Capitol Hill that he would push for a full House investigation of the organization.
Yet one month later Conyers was backing off his call for an investigation faster than a group of bats out of hell who had seen the face of Satan himself.
A reporter from The Washington Times cornered Conyers in the hallway after a House committee hearing to inquire about his abrupt and shocking about-face. Conyers stated, 'The powers that be decided that such an investigation was unnecessary.'
Excuse me, Congressman, but in the U.S. House of Representatives, you ARE one of the 'powers that be.' Your branch of government is on a totally equal footing to that of the Presidency and the Supreme Court. You have every bit as much authority to investigate an alleged criminal organization that receives tax dollars as anyone. In fact, it is your sworn DUTY to do so!
And this brings us to the momentous question of the hour--who has so intimidated Conyers that he now refuses to spearhead an investigation into ACORN only ONE MONTH after insisting that it needed to be done?
Forgive me, my dear readers, for engaging in this bit of pompous superiority, but I can't help myself at this point--if you can't figure out who is intimidating Conyers, then you are as dumb as an old mule staring at a new gate.
Democrats have controlled Congress since 2006. They depend on groups such as ACORN to get out the 'minority' vote for them. Barack Obama is heavily indebted to ACORN for their massive, in-your-face tactics to register and get out the vote for a state Senator nobody knew much about until 2007.
In addition, a very powerful Democratic Congressman from Brooklyn, New York--U.S. Representative Jerrold Nadler--chairs a House subcommittee on the 'Constitution and liberties.' Ironic, given that Nadler has benefited greatly from ACORN, and the organization has one of its major offices right in the middle of his district.
It is also ironic that Nadler openly deflected Conyer's original calls for investigations into ACORN.
The bottom line? In spite of high-level investigations and charges against ACORN in at least half of the states, the Federal Government refuses to investigate due to one simple factor--the main players are all in its hip pocket. And that includes Obama, Nadler, Conyers, Pelosi, and Reid.
Does anyone now have any doubt at all that this is the single most corrupt Congress in U.S. History, and that this Administration makes even the Warren Harding Administration from the early 20s look like angels?
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Source: Examiner
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