Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Obama, British Petroleum and the Constitution

Margie Laupheimer Earthhope Action Network

"Katrina and the Gulf oil spill prove that, at best, government can only get in the way.

Does that suggest, perhumps, that we don't need government? That no government is preferable to even the most benevolent of governments? And is there such a thing as benevolent government or is that combination of words an oxymoron?

It's no spill. It's gushing out with such force that they're saying we don't have the technology to stop it -- after BP even bothered to check into it, while our lying, completely useless president got on national television and wailed on about green energy sources. And this, after he opened the gulf up for BP to begin with. And back to BP. First they said there was 5,000 barrels a day spitting out of the hole. Then it was 50,000 a day, now it's 100,000. A hundred thousand X 50 (gallons) = 5,000,000 gallons a day. FIVE MILLION GALLONS
OF OIL A DAY POURING INTO THE GULF and that doesn't even touch the methane spewing into the water and the air or all the other toxic chemicals filling the water.

"We live in a Constitutional Republic. The President's job under the Constitution is to enforce the laws made by the elected Congress. His job is not to create new laws and enforce them all by himself. His job is as magistrate under the Constitution, not as Caudillo. He is not the law. He is supposed to enforce what Congress decides.

While I fully understand and sympathize with his stance doesn't this imply that Congress is implicit? If Congress were doing their job wouldn't they be putting a stop to Obama's self-proclaimed Kingliness? They could with no trouble at all, if they were so inclined. They can... but they won't. Just as they could have in Bush's 2nd term, but wouldn't.

Ah yes, the president's job is to "follow the laws passed by Congress" (providing those laws are Constitutional). Since when has any president since... not even sure when... maybe ever, followed the Constitution? What president did we ever have that actually followed the Constitution? There may have been one or two but who were they? Can anyone answer this because I sure don't know what the answer is and who these men were? I actually am interested to know.

The Constitution, having never been followed, and which does not even follow itself is, was and always will be, a blueprint for tyranny.

Just ask Obama. He knows all about it. He's a Constitutional lawyer.

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