Elisabeth, your right, but i do know you have never been in combat, and i hope you NEVER are.
it's not something most of who have just up and talk about like people do at tea parties for general conversation.
i talk to other Vets but we almost never talk about what we did in combat, and especially a MIXED CROWD.
if the subject comes up and it does from time to time, we talk in generalities ext.
i will say this it's NOT like in the MOVIES.
your a LADY, and me being a SOUTHERN MAN, i was raised we PROTECT THE LADIES, NOT crawling in the MUD AND BLOOD with us, it's FINE for our ladies to know how to shoot and be able to PROTECT the HOME AND KIDS if were away,
you WOMEN are the SOFT SIDE OF GOD, you bring forth LIFE, your NOT LIFE TAKERS, that's OUT JOB WHEN NEEDED.
hope you had a good weekend, and them WHO DAT BOYS WON THE SUPERBOWL, the SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN.
Semper Fi.
Elisabeth, your right, but i do know you have never been in combat, and i hope you NEVER are.
it's not something most of who have just up and talk about like people do at tea parties for general conversation.
i talk to other Vets but we almost never talk about what we did in combat, and especially a MIXED CROWD.
if the subject comes up and it does from time to time, we talk in generalities ext.
i will say this it's NOT like in the MOVIES.
your a LADY, and me being a SOUTHERN MAN, i was raised we PROTECT THE LADIES, NOT crawling in the MUD AND BLOOD with us, it's FINE for our ladies to know how to shoot and be able to PROTECT the HOME AND KIDS if were away,
you WOMEN are the SOFT SIDE OF GOD, you bring forth LIFE, your NOT LIFE TAKERS, that's OUT JOB WHEN NEEDED.
hope you had a good weekend, and them WHO DAT BOYS WON THE SUPERBOWL, the SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN.
Semper Fi.
Well, how you were raised has precious little to do with where we find ourselves today, regardless of gender and age. It may be your preference to hold your opinions of how things "should" be, but those opinions have little to do with how things are.
You are constantly calling for people to rise up. Who exactly do you think is going to do that? All (and only) males over the age of 18? Think again...time immemorial, women have taken up arms in combat. They have fought alongside men, died with their comrades, husbands, kings...and yet it is uniquely the unlearned American society which seeks to "protect" women from the knowledge and experience necessary to insure their survival.
The Inquisition had the extermination of women developed to an art form. The Romans marched across what is now modern day Europe removing inheritance from women, and raping, scourging, and burning women. Kosovo had entire rape compounds set up for thousands of women and children. If they didn't die from the abuse, they were shunned by families when returning home with babies conceived in those rapes. Even today, rape is a tactic of war. What the fuck do you mean this or that conversation is not for a "mixed crowd." Do you honestly believe that women do not understand that they are and have been the most sought after prey on earth? Do you think that by not speaking of combat, and blood, and mud, and guts that we are somehow "protected"?
If you think to "protect" us, then in the name of all things Holy, you teach the ways and means of self protection. You think it is "fine" for us to know how to shoot and defend the home and children while you are away? I think it incumbent upon you to insure that your "life givers" know how to efficiently take a life.
I grow weary with this illusion that men protect women by treating them as though they were children. How protected do you think they will be in an armed conflict?
And when you tell us that we have "no place" in combat, then you take something from us that you do not understand. I cannot explain it to you. You need to think about what that means. The first thing I wonder is does that mean that you will feel better if we die from wounds inflicted upon us in our homes, just so long as we didn't have to "see" the horrors of combat? Or does it mean that what you choose to believe about our proper place is more important to you than our ability to survive?
Now, I do not have a problem with men in general. I have a problem with people who will say anything to protect their sacred cows. If you men love us women, you will teach us to fight. If you men love your idea of what women should be, and where we should stay, then you men love your ideas, not us.
Now I am not waiting for any of you to decide that for me. I have learned it, and am learning it. For all the world, you can't be out slaying the dragon and home protecting the women at the same time. The sooner you accept that, the better our chances of survival.
Well, how you were raised has precious little to do with where we find ourselves today, regardless of gender and age. It may be your preference to hold your opinions of how things "should" be, but those opinions have little to do with how things are.
You are constantly calling for people to rise up. Who exactly do you think is going to do that? All (and only) males over the age of 18? Think again...time immemorial, women have taken up arms in combat. They have fought alongside men, died with their comrades, husbands, kings...and yet it is uniquely the unlearned American society which seeks to "protect" women from the knowledge and experience necessary to insure their survival.
The Inquisition had the extermination of women developed to an art form. The Romans marched across what is now modern day Europe removing inheritance from women, and raping, scourging, and burning women. Kosovo had entire rape compounds set up for thousands of women and children. If they didn't die from the abuse, they were shunned by families when returning home with babies conceived in those rapes. Even today, rape is a tactic of war. What the fuck do you mean this or that conversation is not for a "mixed crowd." Do you honestly believe that women do not understand that they are and have been the most sought after prey on earth? Do you think that by not speaking of combat, and blood, and mud, and guts that we are somehow "protected"?
If you think to "protect" us, then in the name of all things Holy, you teach the ways and means of self protection. You think it is "fine" for us to know how to shoot and defend the home and children while you are away? I think it incumbent upon you to insure that your "life givers" know how to efficiently take a life.
I grow weary with this illusion that men protect women by treating them as though they were children. How protected do you think they will be in an armed conflict?
And when you tell us that we have "no place" in combat, then you take something from us that you do not understand. I cannot explain it to you. You need to think about what that means. The first thing I wonder is does that mean that you will feel better if we die from wounds inflicted upon us in our homes, just so long as we didn't have to "see" the horrors of combat? Or does it mean that what you choose to believe about our proper place is more important to you than our ability to survive?
Now, I do not have a problem with men in general. I have a problem with people who will say anything to protect their sacred cows. If you men love us women, you will teach us to fight. If you men love your idea of what women should be, and where we should stay, then you men love your ideas, not us.
Now I am not waiting for any of you to decide that for me. I have learned it, and am learning it. For all the world, you can't be out slaying the dragon and home protecting the women at the same time. The sooner you accept that, the better our chances of survival.