by Steve Watson & Paul Watson Infowars
"Recent Mexican army and police force conflicts with heavily-armed narcotics
cartels have escalated to levels equivalent to military small-unit combat and
have included use of machine guns and fragmentation grenades," said the State
Department alert.
The White House has declared that it has no information on any ongoing judicial processes concerning hundreds of kidnappings and murders of American citizens by Mexican drug cartels and gangs between 2005 and 2007.
Cybercast News Service specifically asked Press Secretary Dana Perino last Friday for information pertaining to a still operative travel alert issued by the State Department, which warned travelers that violence "equivalent to military small-unit combat" was taking place along the southern U.S. border with Mexico.
"Recent Mexican army and police force conflicts with heavily-armed narcotics cartels have escalated to levels equivalent to military small-unit combat and have included use of machine guns and fragmentation grenades," said the State Department alert.
Perino told CNS that she did not know whether the President was aware of the alert or not.
A follow up email to the White House requesting specific information on legal action concerning 128 documented cases of murders and executions of Americans in Mexico in the last two years was met only with a recommendation to contact the attorney general of Mexico.
The Justice Department and the State Department have also both previously stated that they have no information on any arrests, prosecutions or convictions related to the murders.
Last month the Houston Chronicle reported that two representatives urged Congress to take action to address the worsening situation on the southern border.
Rep. Ted Poe, R-Humble, urged the Congress to take action regarding the frequent incursions of military style Mexican commandos into the U.S. that has seen over 6000 deaths in the past two and a half years according to conservative estimates.
Poe highlighted the fact that the guerrilla-style commandos are regularly crossing the border into the U.S. and have been involved in violence and killings as far north as Dallas. Poe cited reports indicating that there have been over 250 documented incursions by suspected military forces into the United States over the past decade.
Another Congressman, Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Austin, called border drug violence "an imminent security threat right on our doorstep" and compared the urgency of situation to that of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
In March, award winning National Security and Pentagon reporter for the Washington Times, Sara A. Carter, detailed the national media blackout on the Mexican incursions and the border war:
"There’s a lot of people who don’t realize how serious the situation is on the southern border." Ms. Carter told the Alex Jones show. "Even to the extent when sometimes some of our own government officials choose to ignore it, even though they know it’s going on."
"It is a huge story. It is bigger than most of us even know, and people are afraid of covering the story. We hear reports but we don’t see in depth detail." Carter said.
According to reports, members of Mexico’s elite counter-narcotics teams, trained at Fort Benning, Ga., are regularly defecting into the pay of drug cartels.
Drug cartels in Mexico have increasingly targeted policemen in various parts of the country. Seven other policemen were killed last week, as The New York Times reported. More than 30 federal agents and 170 local police officers have been killed in the last 18 months.
As the LA Times reports, 40,000 soldiers and 5,000 federal police officers have been deployed onto the streets in Mexico in an attempt to secure large swaths of the country against entrenched drug traffickers in what has been described by the President Felipe Calderon as an all out war.
Many within Mexico are worried that the army could prove as vulnerable to corruption as the police. History dictates that the move to deploy troops may only worsen the crisis, as explained in this LA Times report:
During the 1980s, the army’s job was mainly to find and destroy opium poppy and marijuana crops in western and northern Mexico.
In the 1990s, then-President Ernesto Zedillo ordered the air force to chase drug flights and named an army general as the nation’s top anti-drug officer.
That general, Jose de Jesus Gutierrez Rebollo, was later convicted on charges that he helped Amado Carrillo Fuentes, reputed head of the Juarez cartel.
view here
While reports of soldiers, narcotics agents and cops dealing drugs are almost routine, the real head of the hydra has always been CIA involvement in smuggling drugs that end up on America’s streets, a symbiotic process that also helps finance wars and terrorist groups to do the bidding of the U.S. government around the world.
The corporate media will report on lesser drug smuggling scandals involving cops and customs agents, but when it comes to the gargantuan sprawling CIA drug smuggling racket, the silence is deafening.
In September 2007, a Florida based Gulfstream II jet aircraft # N987SA was forced to crash land in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula after it ran out of fuel.
After accident investigators arrived on the scene they discovered a cargo of nearly 4 tonnes of cocaine.
Journalists discovered that the same Gulstream jet had been used in at least three CIA "rendition" trips to Guantanamo Bay between 2003 and 2005.
Kevin Booth’s underground hit documentary American Drug War features footage of former DEA head Robert Bonner admitting that the CIA was involved in cocaine smuggling operations.
Retired DEA Agent Celerino "Cele" Castillo, who has appeared on The Alex Jones Show many times, personally witnessed CIA drug smuggling operations funneled through terrorists that were also involved in kidnappings and the training of death squads on behalf of the U.S. government.
Watch this hour long feature from 2006 where Alex Jones and Castillo explain how and why US Agencies are behind the largest smuggling operations.
Investigative reporter Gary Webb was instrumental in exposing CIA cocaine trafficking operations before his alleged suicide in 2004. In the You Tube clip below, Webb traces the history of Agency involvement in drug smuggling and its links to financing wars in central America.
Source: Infowars
Keywords • Executed Americans in Mexico • narcotics cartels CIA cocaine trafficking operations • White House Has No Information on Hundreds of Kidnapped
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