These stinking liberals are really starting to get on my nerves. But you know, all they really do is moan and bellyache about the big mean conservatives and the evil libertarians. That's all this birch Bertha Lewis is doing in the video. They have the power and still they whine and cry and call us names. Patriot, and Constitutionalist, libertarian and conservative are dirty words now according to them. They say we're dangerous. They ignore us. They disparage us in the most despicable way. They have no decency. They spy on us, post pictures of us patriots on their websites, report us to the FBI and the DoHS. I am so sick of their constant caterwauling.
"We're living in a time that's going to dwarf the McCarthy era." says Bertha Lewis. Say what? These people are seriously confused. It's the other way around. They have the power. The likes of them set their despicable little whore spies on us to report us to the FBI, HLS, and the Secret Service. "It is going to dwarf the internment during WWII." What door did I just walk through? Am I still on planet earth? And they call us conspiracy theorists. At least our conspiracies make some sort of sense in the context of the real world. "They are coming... and they are coming after you." Holy freaking cow, man, this woman really needs to resume her Thorazine. She then calls the Tea Party movement (I presume the tea-partiers are the ones who are going to incarcerate her in a concentration camp) a bowel movement and gets loud guffaws from the audience. Haw, haw, haw.
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