Monday, August 23, 2010

New York 10th Amendment Rally

By Better Future

It was a beautiful, rain free day on August 7th at the Capitol Steps in Albany where freedom loving New Yorkers gathered in support of the United States Constitution, focusing on the 10th Amendment.  The rally began as patriotic music, including songs by local bands the Ameros and American Spirit Unbroken, played while tables were set up by the speakers and candidates.  Organizers, driven by the desire to spread the message of the importance of State's Rights in restoring our Republic and individual liberty, coordinated this event in six weeks with minimal experience and funding.  The rally was mainly promoted via internet and some radio announcements from Hudson, NY where many of the organizers originate.  Traditionally, New York is a left-wing state, but this is a spark that will set afire many more people in the state toward stopping the Federal Government’s intrusion on our liberties.

Many outstanding speakers spoke with great zeal about states’ rights.  Leonard Roberto, founder of Primary Challenge, was both MC and a speaker who implored the attendees to keep up the fight for freedom.  He gave a brief history lesson comparing Christians of 2,000 years ago, whose lives were a testament of the truth and faith that they held within them and “they loved not their life unto the death” to patriots and our founding fathers of 200+ years ago.  Our founding fathers believed we were endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights and that no legislature gave them to us and no legislature could take them away.  They also gave up their lives willingly to secure freedom in their day.  Mr. Roberto says that it’s going to take brave, unselfish and determined patriots like the Christians of Jesus’ time and patriots such as our founding fathers to secure freedom in our day.  Patriots who love freedom unto the death, who are willing to sacrifice their time, money, even their TVs - all, if necessary, are what’s needed to secure a free people. 

The first speaker, Rick Montes, State Coordinator of New York Tenth Amendment Center, revved up the crowd by explaining how our founding fathers desired and set up the Federal Government so that it wouldn’t become a tyranny.  They didn’t want a consolidated national government, but rather individual, sovereign states with only limited powers granted to the Federal Government.  Which is why they included the 10th Amendment in the Bill of Rights.  Mr. Montes also expounded on Nullification as a way a state can defy the Federal Government and do the will of the people of that state.  He closed with a warning to those attending the rally to be vigilant and know what the Constitution says and also quoted from Patrick Henry, stating, “The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.”

Tim Chichester of Columbia County told how the 17th Amendment affects our state sovereignty. Because of the 17th Amendment, it puts the US Senators’ allegiance with the Federal Government, as opposed to allegiance to the state.  It allows the Federal Government to supersede the state government by imposing regulations and control over the state, instead of letting the state government run itself.

John Wallace, retired New York State Trooper and now Oath Keeper, as well as an American Politics Radio Show host, moved the crowd by boldly telling everyone where our rights come from – our Creator!  He explained how under both Democratic and Republican administrations the Federal Government has increased its powers beyond its Constitutional limits.  Mr. Wallace stated that in our 234 year history, certain generations of Americans have been called upon to defend liberty and it is our sacred duty to defend liberty for our posterity.  He said it is a critical time in our county’s history because our liberty is in mortal danger and that we are the generation that must act; for this is our time to stand up and be counted – this is our time to join together as one united force to defend liberty in America. 

Sprinkled in between the main speakers were some local candidates and one state-wide candidate: Deborah Busch (Assembly 104th District), Ted Danz (21st Congress District), Robert Domenici (NYS Senate 46th District), and Gary Berntsen (US Senate - NY).  Each of the candidates conveyed the importance of state sovereignty, which resounded with those present who desire the State of New York to be restored to its former glory as a sovereign state.  A local Tea Party Activist, Tom Chandler, addressed the very important issue of racism which the enemies of freedom like to use to try to divide the freedom movement.  Bob Schulz, a long-time veteran of patriotic activism, concentrated on the Articles of Freedom, a document authored by the Continental Congress of 2009. This document is a 14 point plan to save the Constitution, the first point addressing state sovereignty.

The Keynote Speaker was Sheriff Richard Mack of Arizona, a now retired sheriff who successfully overturned the Brady Bill during the Clinton Administration.  Back in 1994, the Federal Government threatened to arrest sheriffs if they didn’t enforce the Brady Bill. In 1997, Sheriff Mack sued the Federal Government on the 10th Amendment and won!  This was a grand victory toward freedom for all of us! The case upheld the sovereignty of the state over the Federal Government.  Sheriff Mack said, “The greatest threat to our God given Constitutional American liberty is our own Federal Government.”  The Sheriff mentioned that James Madison said that the states need to erect barriers against the encroaching of the national authority.  He also said that when the Federal Government becomes too oppressive, the county Sheriff is America’s last stand.  It is the sheriffs’ duty to protect us against enemies both foreign and domestic.

The founding fathers required public officials to take an oath of allegiance to the Constitution because they wanted to protect the rights of the people.  If our elected officials just kept their oaths, we’d get our freedom back!  The Sheriff noted that Judge Scalia, US Supreme Court Justice, ruled that state legislatures are not subject to federal direction.  The Constitution is supreme, not the Federal Government!  The people of New York can stop National Health Care by making the Federal Government irrelevant! Also, the Federal Government has the responsibility (one of its limited powers), to protect our borders, something they are simply refusing to do.  The Mack/Prince vs. the US lawsuit declares:  “But the Constitution protects us from our own best intentions: It divides power among sovereigns and among branches of government precisely so that we may resist the temptation to concentrate power in one location as an expedient solution to the crisis of the day.”

Sheriff Mack closed by asking, “Can we, ordinary citizens, really make a difference?"  He answered it with a quote by John Quincy Adams, “Duty is ours, results are God’s.”  John Wallace once again addressed the excited and empowered crowd and closed the rally by administering the Oath Keepers Oath to all those present who wished to become honorary Oath Keepers.  Mr. Wallace ending with three words:  Freedom!  Freedom! Freedom!  as those in attendance enthusiastically shouted after him.
Many thanks goes out to the organizers who unselfishly gave countless hours of their time and energy to make this rally happen and to all the speakers and candidates, as well as to fellow New Yorkers who came to learn more about the 10th Amendment and stand in unison with a very important message to Washington and Albany: “Obey the Constitution."

[See the videos of the event here:]

Source: Earthhope Action Network

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