Earthhope Action Networkby Kurt Nimmo Infowars October 24, 2009
France’s RAID or Les Hommes en Noir — the Men in BlackEarlier in the week, Chris Matthews attempted to portray Stewart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers as a paranoid conspiracy nut for suggesting the presence of foreign troops in the United States.
Matthews, as a supposed news anchor, should read the newswires instead of relying on his CIA Mockingbird script. But then, of course, MSNBC is not interested in reporting the news.
On October 22, two days after his disgraceful attack on the Oath Keepers, The Oakland Tribune reported on just that — foreign troops inside the United States.
“Armed officers in full battle gear will be scattered throughout the Bay Area this weekend, rescuing hostages, fighting bank robbers and quelling terrorism at the Oakland Airport, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, the NASA Ames Research Center and 22 other high profile sites,” writes Sophia Kazmi. “For the first time in the three-year history of the Alameda County Sheriff’s Department-sponsored exercise, there will be a foreign team of officers taking part and international observers. An eight-member team representing the French National Police’s Research, Assistance, Intervention, and Dissuasion unit will compete” (emphasis added).(
Article continues below)

Shop Earthhope MagazinesFrench police are technically speaking not troops. However, the French RAID unit — Recherche Assistance Intervention Dissuasion (Research, Assistance, Intervention, Deterrence) — is a militarized SWAT team that uses special forces techniques. It is accused of triple tapping a mentally disturbed man who took school children hostage in 1993. RAID killed the man while he slept.
It is interesting to note how terrorism is conflated with bank robbery in the article. It’s part of a federal effort to characterize all crime — from marijuana possession to bank robbery — as terrorism.
“There will be the sound of gunfire and blasts — all part of Urban Shield, one of the biggest domestic terrorism drills in the country. The $1 million, two-day event begins Saturday and will test the training of 27 crack teams from throughout the state, elsewhere in the country and the world,” the Tribune article reports.
Urban Shield is funded by the Department of Homeland Security and at least one large corporation — BAE, a death merchant based in Britain. BAE stands accused of paying millions of dollars in bribes to secure contracts in Africa and Eastern Europe.
BAE’s “generous contributions” to Urban Shield will get the residents of Alameda County acclimated to the “sound of gunfire and blasts” and the presence of militarized cops “in full battle gear ” roaming the streets of the Bay Area this weekend.Source: Infowars
Earthhope Action Networkby Stewart Rhodes Oath Keepers
A Three Percent Oath Keeper in IraqThe above photo was submitted by an active duty Oath Keeper in Mosul Iraq, sporting an Oath Keepers tab. As his other tab and patch make clear, he is also a “Three Percenter.” (see below)
The photo was also posted over at the Sipsey Street Irregulars blog with this message:
Just thought the WRSA [Western Rifle Shooters Association] and the Sipsey Street boys might like to see what we are wearing while over here in Iraq. We . . . know what the deal is, and when the time comes (which it will), we know where we stand and continue to make preparations for it.
Keep up the good work!
Regards from Mosul,
All I can say to that is Hooah! Thank you for your service, K7C, and for stepping up. Give our best regards to your brothers in arms, and let them know we have your six back home. If any of you need anything at all, from socks to helmets, to body armor, just ask and it will be provided. We need you to stay safe and come home healthy.(
Article continues below)

Shop Earthhope MagazinesOath Keepers here stateside, let your brothers on active duty in Iraq know how you feel. They do come here to read comments, count on that.
Note that the tab in the photo is not the same tab we sell here on our site (which is more of a police style tab). We are having military ACU style tabs with velcro made up, but they are not yet finished. That means the troops are having their own Oath Keeper tabs made up! And no, we did not put them up to it. They are doing this on their own initiative.
So take heart! The message of the oath and its obligations is spreading, and the Guardians of the Republic are listening and responding. And every time you act to spread the message, by whatever means, you cannot know what impact you will have, or how far it will reach. That’s why it’s so crucial that we each do what we can to reach, teach, and inspire as many active duty as possible about their obligation to defend the Constitution and their duty to refuse unlawful orders that would violate the rights of their fellow Americans.
Upcoming Outreach Effort to Put Tabs, DVD’s, and OK Handbooks in the Hands of Active Duty
Coincidentally, the tabs those troops are wearing are almost exactly like the tabs we are having made for our upcoming care package initiative, which will put an Oath Keeper tab, DVD, Oath Keepers handbook, copy of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and other outreach materials, into the hands of active duty deployed worldwide. We plan on launching that effort on Veteran’s Day, November 11 and continuing right on through Bill of Rights Day, December 15, with the goal of delivering all the care packages by Christmas. Now imagine what that will be like! Tens of thousands of our troops reached with the message and a tab. I will post more details very soon.
What’s a Three Percenter?
Now, seeing the other tab and patch in the photo, you may ask “what is a three percenter?” The narrowest definition is that three percenters are hard-line gun owners who are done backing up and will not comply with more infringements of their right to bear arms. A broader definition would be that they are hard-line Americans who are done backing up and will not comply with further infringement of any of their rights. It also alludes to the three percent of the colonists who took to the field against the King during the Revolution, and the estimation that at least three percent of modern Americans will actively fight, if it comes to it, to preserve liberty. Read this essay for more explanation.
Oath Keepers and Three Percenters are separate groups, but it is not a surprise to see people who consider themselves both an Oath Keeper and a Three Percenter. If you read the supplied links you will see why.
While we Oath Keepers have a specialized mission of outreach to current serving, focused on the oath and on refusing to obey unlawful orders, there’s lots of common ground and shared commitment to the Republic among both groups. Go here to read what the Sipsey Street blog has to say about that.
Oath Keepers, expect to see more of these tabs popping up soon, even before we begin our care package initiative. You are making a real difference. Keep up the good work!
For the Republic,
Stewart RhodesSource: Oath Keepers