It just keeps getting more and more insane by the minute. I can hardly believe this but it's for real -- check the links to their website.
"This was sent to me from a friend and well known author...I consider it totally credible although I have not personally researched it. I think that all of us should be angered... not just Christians.
I don’t know about you folks but I am getting a bit tired of this kind of stuff. If you don’t think this movement needs national up on what has happened to every nation these people set up shop.
Yesterday we saw that the flag of the communist People's Republic of China will now be flown in the south lawn of the White House.
Today we learn that "A Day of Islamic Unity" is going to be held on Capitol Hill, with an anticipated 50,000 Islamic worshippers. Go to the web site for this event -- which, by the way, is called "The Movement" -- and look at the words at the bottom of the home page: OUR TIME HAS COME.
If you click on the link on that page to "Program" you'll see this headline:
50,000 believers in the Greatness of Allah praying for the greater good of all people.
Of course, in the religion of Islam, the "greater good of all people" means you must be converted to Islam, or die. Those aren't my words. Those are the words of their own Koran.
This is getting pretty serious folks. This is not play stuff. We are being overrun from all sides. And it is getting high time we stand our ground as Christians and do something about it.
Assalaamu Alaikum,
We encourage all Muslims to take part in this historic event taking place on Capitol Hill on Sepetember 25, 2009. To help make this event possible, here are some of the following ways that you can help to make this event successful:
Organize And Coordinate Transportation In Your Area
Distribute Flyers And Advertise:
· Local Masjids
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· Islamic Institutions
· Sponsor Adds In Local News Papers, TV, Radio Stations
Promote The Event In The Following Ways:
· Announce At Local Masjids
· Organize Street Teams
· Use Of Voice Mail
· Promote Event During Ramadan Iftar Dinners
· Promote Event During Taraweeh Prayer Gatherings
· Promote Event On Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube,,, Wordpress, Text Messaging, MMS, AIM, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Groups, Craigslist
Sponsors Are Needed In The Following Areas:
· Sound System
· Water
· Porta Johns (Rest Rooms)
· Marketing ads for: tv, radio, newspaper, websites, email express mailing
· stage, banners, prayer rugs
· Food
· live webcast
Lend Us Your Expertise : If There Are Any Other Way That You Can Help, Please Forward Us Your Experience And A Staff Member Will Contact You .