Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Barack Obama's Rule by EPA Decree Is a Coup D'etat against Congress
by Gerald Warner UK Telegraph
Who needs tanks on the lawn when you have the Environmental Protection Agency? Barack Obama’s use of the EPA to pressurise the Senate to pass his climate change Nuremberg Decrees shows his dictatorial mentality. He wants to override Congress, which is hostile to his climate gobbledegook because it is representative of the American electorate, and sideline the nation’s elected Senators by ruling by decree, courtesy of the EPA. This is a coup d’état.
And what is the justification for this undemocratic action? The allegedly imminent threat from “Anthropogenic Global Warming”. There is always a supposed threat, when tyrants take the stage. The President of the United States has just reduced his moral authority to the level of any Third World dictator heading a “Government of National Emergency”. Fortunately, the world’s leading democracy, which he is trying to subvert, has guarantees of liberty so deeply embedded in its Constitution that US citizens are well placed to fight back.
In the first place, regulation can be challenged in a way that laws cannot. So the EPA’s proposed ruling on so-called “Greenhouse Gases” can be opposed extensively with litigation, to the point that the ruling might not yet be in force when Obama demits office. In the second place, the EPA is funded by Congress. So, if the Agency is being used to bypass or neuter Congress, why should legislators not play hardball and retaliate by cutting off its funding? The EPA may look formidable, but its situation is rather as if Rommel were buying the fuel for his tanks from the Allies.
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But what is of compelling interest on this side of the pond is the way in which the bullets to shoot down American democracy were made in Britain. The trail is not hard to follow. When the EPA published its “Endangerment Finding” on greenhouse gases and proposed rule, back in April, almost every paragraph of the text (Federal Register, April 24, 2009, pp 18886-18910) cited as authority the IPCC’s 2007 Report, which the Agency acknowledges it “relies on most heavily”. And whence came the main input on climate change to that report?
Yes, that’s right! You’ve got it: from Phil Jones, Michael Mann and the rest of the lads at the CRU, East Anglia. From the innovative, creative “scientists” who wanted to “beat the crap” out of a climate change sceptic; who “just completed Mike’s Nature trick”; who “can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t”; who deleted e-mails in the interests of science; who tried to prevent publication of dissenters’ views; who coined the historic phrase “hide the decline”.
Those jokers are the main authority for the extravagant claims in the IPCC report and, by extension, for the EPA’s “Endangerment Finding”. That is the authority that is being invoked to overturn the principles of 1776 in the United States. The Protocols of the Elders of Norwich are the justification for EPA tyranny. It is with that weighty evidence at his back that Barack Obama is going to Copenhagen to sell out American taxpayers to Third World subsidy junkies, profiteering “green” corporations and the ever entrepreneurial Al Gore. This is the steal of the millennium: forget the Great Train Robbery and the Brinks Mat caper – these hoodlums are targeting $45 trillion.
Obama hates America and, increasingly, that sentiment is being reciprocated. This is a socialist, World Government putsch. Have the American people the resolution to resist it? We shall soon know.
Source: UK Telegraph
Friday, December 4, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
New York Congress Critters, Attorney General Holder Move Against Second Amendment
Senator Gillibrand and Representative McCarthy have introduced the Gun Trafficking Prevention Act of 2009. Ostensibly designed to prosecute gun traffickers, the bill would also deny the Second Amendment to anybody on the so-called terror watch list. The legislation is supported by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, and the Brady Campaign.
The number of unique names on the U.S. terror watch list totals 400,000, newly released FBI data reveals. The Washington Post reported that during a 12-month period ending in March of this year, 1,600 people were nominated daily by the U.S. intelligence community to be put on the list due to ‘reasonable suspicion.’
In July, 2008, the terror watch list contained well over a million names, according to the American Civil Liberties Union.
“Members of Congress, nuns, war heroes and other ’suspicious characters,’ with names like Robert Johnson and Gary Smith, have become trapped in the Kafkaesque clutches of this list, with little hope of escape,” said Caroline Fredrickson, director of the ACLU Washington Legislative Office in July, 2008. “Congress needs to fix it, the Terrorist Screening Center needs to fix it, or the next president needs to fix it, but it has to be done soon.”
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Obama did not fix it. Instead, as noted below, his attorney general and two Congress critters from New York are well on their way to making sure over a million Americans are stripped of their constitutional right to own firearms.
Before the Senate Judiciary Committee November 18th, 2009, Attorney General Eric Holder revealed a stunningly broad and aggressive anti-gun agenda.
“The President of the United States asked that politicians not use the Ft. Hood attack to engage in ‘political theater.’ It appears those committed to attacking gun owners and the Second Amendment simply can’t help themselves and are engaged in blaming guns and gun owners on the heels of this terrorist attack. Sadly it looks like ‘politics as usual,’” said LEAA’s spokesperson, Ted Deeds.
After explaining and defending his decision to give enemy combatants constitutional protections and the right to public trial in civilian courts, Attorney General Holder revealed his support for a national gun owner registration scheme and authorizing the government to ban firearm possession for any person by merely adding that person’s name to the terror watch list.
Drawing reasonable conclusions from what Holder publicly said, we now know:
• Holder wants a national, permanent gun registration system administered by law enforcement. A registration of honest citizens that have cleared the federal background check for gun purchases with those records permanently retained by and shared among law enforcement.
• Holder wants new federal authority to prohibit any person on the federal watch list (reported to be 400,000 names) from buying guns and supports confiscating guns from those on the list who possess them.
Transcribing General Holder: “The position of the Administration is that there should be a basis for law enforcement to share information about gun purchases.” “… [It's not] inconsistent to allow law enforcement agencies to share that kind of information, for that information to be retained and then to be shared by law enforcement.” “It seems incongruous to me that we would bar certain people from flying on airplanes because they are on the terrorist watch list and yet we would still allow them to posses weapons.” {Emphasis added}
LEAA’s Executive Director Jim Fotis said, “Those behind the badge don’t believe more restrictions on honest gun owners is a reasonable, practical or constitutional response to acts of terrorism. As a retired officer, I know that America’s men and women in blue want to fight terrorism, to stop terrorists; not waste time keeping records on innocent gun owners!”
Source: Infowars
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Foreign Cops Take Part in "Domestic Terrorism" Drill in California
by Kurt Nimmo Infowars October 24, 2009
France’s RAID or Les Hommes en Noir — the Men in Black
Earlier in the week, Chris Matthews attempted to portray Stewart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers as a paranoid conspiracy nut for suggesting the presence of foreign troops in the United States.
Matthews, as a supposed news anchor, should read the newswires instead of relying on his CIA Mockingbird script. But then, of course, MSNBC is not interested in reporting the news.
On October 22, two days after his disgraceful attack on the Oath Keepers, The Oakland Tribune reported on just that — foreign troops inside the United States.
“Armed officers in full battle gear will be scattered throughout the Bay Area this weekend, rescuing hostages, fighting bank robbers and quelling terrorism at the Oakland Airport, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, the NASA Ames Research Center and 22 other high profile sites,” writes Sophia Kazmi. “For the first time in the three-year history of the Alameda County Sheriff’s Department-sponsored exercise, there will be a foreign team of officers taking part and international observers. An eight-member team representing the French National Police’s Research, Assistance, Intervention, and Dissuasion unit will compete” (emphasis added).
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French police are technically speaking not troops. However, the French RAID unit — Recherche Assistance Intervention Dissuasion (Research, Assistance, Intervention, Deterrence) — is a militarized SWAT team that uses special forces techniques. It is accused of triple tapping a mentally disturbed man who took school children hostage in 1993. RAID killed the man while he slept.
It is interesting to note how terrorism is conflated with bank robbery in the article. It’s part of a federal effort to characterize all crime — from marijuana possession to bank robbery — as terrorism.
“There will be the sound of gunfire and blasts — all part of Urban Shield, one of the biggest domestic terrorism drills in the country. The $1 million, two-day event begins Saturday and will test the training of 27 crack teams from throughout the state, elsewhere in the country and the world,” the Tribune article reports.
Urban Shield is funded by the Department of Homeland Security and at least one large corporation — BAE, a death merchant based in Britain. BAE stands accused of paying millions of dollars in bribes to secure contracts in Africa and Eastern Europe.
BAE’s “generous contributions” to Urban Shield will get the residents of Alameda County acclimated to the “sound of gunfire and blasts” and the presence of militarized cops “in full battle gear ” roaming the streets of the Bay Area this weekend.
Source: Infowars
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Active Duty Troops in Iraq Are Wearing Oath Keeper Tabs
by Stewart Rhodes Oath Keepers
A Three Percent Oath Keeper in Iraq
The above photo was submitted by an active duty Oath Keeper in Mosul Iraq, sporting an Oath Keepers tab. As his other tab and patch make clear, he is also a “Three Percenter.” (see below)
The photo was also posted over at the Sipsey Street Irregulars blog with this message:
Just thought the WRSA [Western Rifle Shooters Association] and the Sipsey Street boys might like to see what we are wearing while over here in Iraq. We . . . know what the deal is, and when the time comes (which it will), we know where we stand and continue to make preparations for it.
Keep up the good work!
Regards from Mosul,
All I can say to that is Hooah! Thank you for your service, K7C, and for stepping up. Give our best regards to your brothers in arms, and let them know we have your six back home. If any of you need anything at all, from socks to helmets, to body armor, just ask and it will be provided. We need you to stay safe and come home healthy.
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Oath Keepers here stateside, let your brothers on active duty in Iraq know how you feel. They do come here to read comments, count on that.
Note that the tab in the photo is not the same tab we sell here on our site (which is more of a police style tab). We are having military ACU style tabs with velcro made up, but they are not yet finished. That means the troops are having their own Oath Keeper tabs made up! And no, we did not put them up to it. They are doing this on their own initiative.
So take heart! The message of the oath and its obligations is spreading, and the Guardians of the Republic are listening and responding. And every time you act to spread the message, by whatever means, you cannot know what impact you will have, or how far it will reach. That’s why it’s so crucial that we each do what we can to reach, teach, and inspire as many active duty as possible about their obligation to defend the Constitution and their duty to refuse unlawful orders that would violate the rights of their fellow Americans.
Upcoming Outreach Effort to Put Tabs, DVD’s, and OK Handbooks in the Hands of Active Duty
Coincidentally, the tabs those troops are wearing are almost exactly like the tabs we are having made for our upcoming care package initiative, which will put an Oath Keeper tab, DVD, Oath Keepers handbook, copy of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and other outreach materials, into the hands of active duty deployed worldwide. We plan on launching that effort on Veteran’s Day, November 11 and continuing right on through Bill of Rights Day, December 15, with the goal of delivering all the care packages by Christmas. Now imagine what that will be like! Tens of thousands of our troops reached with the message and a tab. I will post more details very soon.
What’s a Three Percenter?
Now, seeing the other tab and patch in the photo, you may ask “what is a three percenter?” The narrowest definition is that three percenters are hard-line gun owners who are done backing up and will not comply with more infringements of their right to bear arms. A broader definition would be that they are hard-line Americans who are done backing up and will not comply with further infringement of any of their rights. It also alludes to the three percent of the colonists who took to the field against the King during the Revolution, and the estimation that at least three percent of modern Americans will actively fight, if it comes to it, to preserve liberty. Read this essay for more explanation.
Oath Keepers and Three Percenters are separate groups, but it is not a surprise to see people who consider themselves both an Oath Keeper and a Three Percenter. If you read the supplied links you will see why.
While we Oath Keepers have a specialized mission of outreach to current serving, focused on the oath and on refusing to obey unlawful orders, there’s lots of common ground and shared commitment to the Republic among both groups. Go here to read what the Sipsey Street blog has to say about that.
Oath Keepers, expect to see more of these tabs popping up soon, even before we begin our care package initiative. You are making a real difference. Keep up the good work!
For the Republic,
Stewart Rhodes
Source: Oath Keepers
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Marines to Conduct "Urban Exercises" in Kentucky, Indiana
by Paul Miles Kentucky News Network
The Marines are landing in our backyard.
2,300 Marines are converging on this region for two weeks of intensive training in preparation for an upcoming deployment.
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Part of the training involves exercises in small cities in Kentucky and southern Indiana. Simulated missions will take place in Frankfort late next week.
Beginning today, you may see Marine aircraft in the skies. They include the Cobra and Chinook helicopters and Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft.
The Marines, from Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, will base their training at Camp Atterbury in southern Indiana.
Source: Kentucky News Network
Obama Will Bypass Congress to Detain Suspects Indefinitely
by John Byrne Raw Story
President Barack Obama has quietly decided to bypass Congress and allow the indefinite detention of terrorist suspects without charges.
The move, which was controversial when the idea was first floated in The Washington Post in May, has sparked serious concern among civil liberties advocates. Such a decision allows the president to unilaterally hold "combatants" without habeas corpus -- a legal term literally meaning "you shall have the body" -- which forces prosecutors to charge a suspect with a crime to justify the suspect's detention.
Obama's decision was buried on page A 23 of The New York Times' New York edition on Thursday. It didn't appear on that page in the national edition. (Meanwhile, the front page was graced with the story, "Richest Russian's Newest Toy: An N.B.A. Team".)
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Rather than seek approval from Congress to hold some 50 Guantanamo detainees indefinitely, the administration has decided that it has the authority to hold the prisoners under broad-ranging legislation passed in the wake of Sept. 11, 2001. Former President George W. Bush frequently invoked this legislation as the justification for controversial legal actions -- including the NSA's warrantless wiretapping program.
"The administration will continue to hold the detainees without bringing them to trial based on the power it says it has under the Congressional resolution passed after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, authorizing the president to use force against forces of Al Qaeda and the Taliban," the Times' Peter Baker writes. "In concluding that it does not need specific permission from Congress to hold detainees without charges, the Obama administration is adopting one of the arguments advanced by the Bush administration in years of debates about detention policies."
Constitutional scholar and columnist Glenn Greenwald discussed the policy in a column in May. He warned that the ability for a president to "preventively" detain suspects could mushroom into broader, potentially abusive activity.
"It does not merely allow the U.S. Government to imprison people alleged to have committed Terrorist acts yet who are unable to be convicted in a civilian court proceeding," Greenwald wrote. "That class is merely a subset, perhaps a small subset, of who the Government can detain. Far more significant, 'preventive detention' allows indefinite imprisonment not based on proven crimes or past violations of law, but of those deemed generally 'dangerous' by the Government for various reasons (such as, as Obama put it yesterday, they 'expressed their allegiance to Osama bin Laden' or 'otherwise made it clear that they want to kill Americans'). That's what 'preventive' means: imprisoning people because the Government claims they are likely to engage in violent acts in the future because they are alleged to be 'combatants.'"
"Once known, the details of the proposal could -- and likely will -- make this even more extreme by extending the 'preventive detention' power beyond a handful of Guantanamo detainees to anyone, anywhere in the world, alleged to be a 'combatant,'" Greenwald continues. "After all, once you accept the rationale on which this proposal is based -- namely, that the U.S. Government must, in order to keep us safe, preventively detain "dangerous" people even when they can't prove they violated any laws -- there's no coherent reason whatsoever to limit that power to people already at Guantanamo, as opposed to indefinitely imprisoning with no trials all allegedly 'dangerous' combatants, whether located in Pakistan, Thailand, Indonesia, Western countries and even the U.S."
The Obama Administration appears to have embraced "preventive detention" in part because of problems with how Guantanamo prisoners' cases -- and incarceration -- were handled under President Bush. Military prosecutors have said that numerous cases could not be brought successfully in civilian courts because evidence was obtained in ways that wouldn't be admissible on US soil. The Bush Administration originally sought to try numerous detainees in military tribunals, but the Supreme Court ruled that at least some have the rights to challenge their detention in US courts.
Baker notes that Obama's decision to hold suspects without charges doesn't propose as broad an executive authority claimed by President Bush.
"Obama’s advisers are not embracing the more disputed Bush contention that the president has inherent power under the Constitution to detain terrorism suspects indefinitely regardless of Congress," Baker writes.
In a statement to Baker, the Justice Department said, “The administration would rely on authority already provided by Congress [and] is not currently seeking additional authorization.”
“The position conveyed by the Justice Department in the meeting last week broke no new ground and was entirely consistent with information previously provided by the Justice Department to the Senate Armed Services Committee,” the statement added.
Roughly 50 detainees of the more than 200 still held at the US prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba are thought to be affected by the decision.
Related article:
Obama's Outrageous 'Indefinite Detention of Those Who May Commit a Crime' Speech
Source: Raw Story
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
50,000 Muslims to appear at White House to claim "Our Time Has Come"
It just keeps getting more and more insane by the minute. I can hardly believe this but it's for real -- check the links to their website.
"This was sent to me from a friend and well known author...I consider it totally credible although I have not personally researched it. I think that all of us should be angered... not just Christians.
I don’t know about you folks but I am getting a bit tired of this kind of stuff. If you don’t think this movement needs national up on what has happened to every nation these people set up shop.
Yesterday we saw that the flag of the communist People's Republic of China will now be flown in the south lawn of the White House.
Today we learn that "A Day of Islamic Unity" is going to be held on Capitol Hill, with an anticipated 50,000 Islamic worshippers. Go to the web site for this event -- which, by the way, is called "The Movement" -- and look at the words at the bottom of the home page: OUR TIME HAS COME.
If you click on the link on that page to "Program" you'll see this headline:
50,000 believers in the Greatness of Allah praying for the greater good of all people.
Of course, in the religion of Islam, the "greater good of all people" means you must be converted to Islam, or die. Those aren't my words. Those are the words of their own Koran.
This is getting pretty serious folks. This is not play stuff. We are being overrun from all sides. And it is getting high time we stand our ground as Christians and do something about it.
Assalaamu Alaikum,
We encourage all Muslims to take part in this historic event taking place on Capitol Hill on Sepetember 25, 2009. To help make this event possible, here are some of the following ways that you can help to make this event successful:
Organize And Coordinate Transportation In Your Area
Distribute Flyers And Advertise:
· Local Masjids
· Universities
· Restaurants
· Hospitals
· Muslim Businesses
· Islamic Institutions
· Sponsor Adds In Local News Papers, TV, Radio Stations
Promote The Event In The Following Ways:
· Announce At Local Masjids
· Organize Street Teams
· Use Of Voice Mail
· Promote Event During Ramadan Iftar Dinners
· Promote Event During Taraweeh Prayer Gatherings
· Promote Event On Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube,,, Wordpress, Text Messaging, MMS, AIM, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Groups, Craigslist
Sponsors Are Needed In The Following Areas:
· Sound System
· Water
· Porta Johns (Rest Rooms)
· Marketing ads for: tv, radio, newspaper, websites, email express mailing
· stage, banners, prayer rugs
· Food
· live webcast
Lend Us Your Expertise : If There Are Any Other Way That You Can Help, Please Forward Us Your Experience And A Staff Member Will Contact You .
Sunday, September 6, 2009
If At First You Don't Secede…
by Jim O'Neill Canada Free Press
'Mass immigration, economic decline, and moral degradation' will trigger a civil war in the United States
Last winter the predictions of Russian analyst Igor Panarin made quite a splash. It may prove salutary to revisit Panarin’s forecasts. Because of the economic crisis, Obama-Care, et al., things tend to get lost in the shuffle.
According to Andrew Osborne’s article in the WSJ (Wall Street Journal), Panarin predicts that “mass immigration, economic decline, and moral degradation” will trigger a civil war in the United States.
According to Panarin, we can expect civil war to erupt just about—what time is it?—now.
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Panarin, who has been making this forecast since 1998, reiterated last year that civil war will break out in the U.S. sometime in the fall of 2009. It now being the fall of 2009, you may want to keep on your toes.
He says that as a result of the civil war, America will break up into pieces.
According to Panarin, by late next spring, or early next summer, the U.S. will have divided itself into six segments—with the west coast and the northeast coast of the United States going to China and the European Union, respectively.
No more Boxer, Pelosi, Franks, Rangel, Leahy, Waxman—my, the list just goes on.
You can imagine my sadness as I wave goodbye to Massachusetts, Vermont, Oregon, and California —“Wahoo! So long—adios! Don’t feel any need to call or write! Don’t let the screen door… never-mind. Wait—you forgot Chicago!”
Goodbye, and good riddance. Infest some other country with your lame-brained economics, asinine policies, and vociferous whining. I feel better just thinking about it.
In Shakespeare’s words, “Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.”
But, alas, it’s nothing more than a wistful fantasy.
The idea of seceding from the United States, or breaking up the United States into ideologically cohesive units, are simply not viable solutions. If at first you don’t secede—don’t.
The collectivists (communists, fascists, Marxists, statists, whatever) are intent on a global hegemony. They will not be satisfied with merely breaking up the United States, They will come after all remaining pockets of capitalism and free enterprise—count on it. Any such diminished entities will be easy pickings.
Also, there is the fact that because they control Hollywood and the media, and tend to be such obnoxious loudmouths, the Far Left appear to comprise more of the population then they actually do. It’s one of Alinsky’s rules—make the enemy think that there are more of you than there really are.
Which is not to say that there are not a lot of 0-bots, but to point out that there are many more patriotic Americans in all parts of the U.S., then one might suspect—even in Massachusetts, Vermont, Oregon, and California. In fact, these long silent patriots are bestirring themselves in great numbers. Thank God. (There are a substantial number of Democrats among them—welcome aboard).
It’s worth noting that Panarin worked for years at the KGB, and that after the dissolution of the former USSR, he worked for the Russian FAPSI—the Russian equivalent of our NSA, National Security Agency.
Panarin has based his predictions on classified Russian intelligence documents. Do you think it’s possible that he knows something we don’t?
Panarin says that after the collapse of the United States of America, Communist China and a re-emergent Communist Russia, will control the world—coming soon to a planet near you. Going by Panarin’s forecast, by this time next year it will all be a fait accompli. It’s no wonder that Congress is so dismissive of us hoi polloi.
The Obama administration has ignored a debt of staggering proportions (a debt owed to Communist China), has tried to saddle the U.S. with crippling economic policies, has seized control of most of the U.S. auto industry, has to a large extent gobbled up banking, has implemented a “stimulus” package that ignores small business—the source of 90% of American jobs. (A “stimulus” package written by the Apollo Alliance, which is headed by rabid anti-American domestic terrorist Jeff Jones).
They have stuffed the administration with radical, wack-job czars, they are attacking the CIA, and are aiding and abetting anti-American terrorists.
The list goes on—and on. Can there be any doubt about what the Obama Administration intends for the U.S.? The answer is no, unless you are a kool-aid drinking O-bot, or are exceptionally slow at grasping the nature of things.
The options at this point, really come down to choosing a reactive civil war, or a pro-active civil war. Do we want to be manipulated and maneuvered down a timeline not of our choosing, or take preemptive action on our own terms?
The situation is not going to simply disappear by wishing it away. We need to get our heads out of the sand, and get our butts in gear.
And pray—“The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
The Far Left, which is based on greed, narcissism, and lies, does not understand spirituality and truth. For “the light shines in the darkness; and the darkness comprehends it not.” They don’t know our strength.
There is infinite power, energy, and guidance that we can avail ourselves of, and definite cause for hope.
Regardless, America does not go down on our watch. Not on our watch.
Laus Deo.
Born in June of 1951 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Jim O’Neill proudly served in the U.S. Navy from 1970-1974 in both UDT-21 (Underwater Demolition Team) and SEAL Team Two. A member of MENSA, he worked as a commercial diver in the waters off Scotland, India, and the United States. In 1998 while attending the University of South Florida as a journalism student, O’Neill won “First Place” in the “Carol Burnett/University of Hawaii AEJMC Research in Journalism Ethics Award. The annual contest was set up by Carol Burnett with the money she won from successfully suing the National Enquirer for libel.
Jim O'Neill Most recent columns
Source: Canada Free Press
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Obama Calls Opponents to Government Health Care Terrorists and Devils on His Page
The Obama administration published a page on it's site which has since been taken down. It can still be found in Google cache or when this becomes unavailable it can be viewed here.
Here Obama calls opponents to his National Health Care Bill terrorists. He says:
All 50 States are coordinating in this as we fight back against our own Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists who are subverting the American Democratic Process, whipped to a frenzy by their Fox Propaganda Network ceaselessly re-seizing power for their treacherous leaders.
How he figures that those who express dissent are "subverting the American democratic process" is beyond me. It would seem that this is the American democratic process.
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Let me get this straight. If I don't agree with Barack Obama I suddenly become a domestic terrorist. Wow. So I guess, with this statement, I can also assume that Mr. Obama is not my president, either. He's only my president when I agree with him. I'll agree that Obama is not my president, but for other reasons. And I get to decide whether he's my president -- he does not.
So we don't have a president of the United States any longer. We have a president that only represents those who support his views. This is astounding.
He says:
DO YOU WANT to ensure passage of the Public Plan? Since 75% of Americans support it, I guess it's time for us Seventy-Five Percenters to be heard. Why Public Plan? = Because It’s American To Take Care Of Our Own!
You're a liar, Barack Obama. Firstly, I'd like to see the poll figures that show that 75% of Americans support your bill. Secondly, if this is so, why are you even concerned? Why are you concerned enough to post this page? A: Because it's just not so... not even close. If you hadn't gotten the opposition you did at Townhalls across the country you wouldn't even be asserting this vacuous lying crap.
"Because It’s American To Take Care Of Our Own!" This statement exemplifies how Obama and his followers don't grasp the concept of what America is about. We take care of each other, nitwits, on a personal level, not the level of government doing the job for us. America is about having a small, limited government and individual liberty, not a huge expanding government that runs every aspect of our lives. I suggest that Obama and his followers check out places like communist China or North Korea where they would feel right at home rather than twisting what was once uniquely American into the hopes and dreams of the likes of Karl Marx and forcing their communist agenda down all our throats.
The page goes on to say:
Burris, Roland W. - (D - IL)
(202) 224-2854
Durbin, Richard J. - (D - IL)
(202) 224-2152
I suggest we opposers of the Health Care Bill do the same on 9/11 and make those calls.
When they call us domestic terrorists they're not kidding. He also says this:
We are the heirs of Bil Laden! Holy freaking crap! Democrats, I have a question for you. Exactly what is the difference between this statement and George W. Bush's proclamation, "You're either with us or you're with the terrorists."? The only difference I can see is it takes the whole insane bit one step further because we're not even talking about the Sept. 11th attacks, we're talking about something not even related to the attacks. We are now ordered to agree with President Obama, about........... everything... If not we're the descendants of Osama Bin Laden!!!
He then, incredibly, says this:
But don't hate them: Misguided citizens are easy-pickings for demagogues, whom they blindly follow because they’ve been trained all their lives not to question the dogma of their religion, so it’s natural for them NOT TO QUESTION what’s being spoon-fed to them by their FALSE PROPHETS who, themselves, shamelessly seek Worldly Glory.
Hmm, (1) I'm not Republican so this statement is just false. (2) Now he's using religion against his dissenters! "FALSE PROPHETS who, themselves, shamelessly seek Worldly Glory." Does this statement allude to the Democrats mad illusion that Obama is God? Why, yes it does.
He goes on to assert:
They don’t apply the simple Test: “Am I being led closer to God, when I do what these folks say? – Or, am I on a Bullet-Train to the Devil, and I’m just a pawn to make these folks richer and more powerful?” Because, you know: the Faith one has in God, is different from faith one should have in Man. And you need to be even MORE skeptical, when one of ‘em says that God picked them for something or another. You can bet whatever they’re doing is making them more powerful/ more wealthy, and certainly less pious, no? Ooops, and following them is making YOU less pious too, in thought, and in deed. Yesseree, it’s a real thing to chew on.
A real thing to chew on, Obamatrons, is Obama is not God.
Please wake up before it's too late and we all wake up to find our Republic in a heap of smoking rubble
See also Communist Messiahs of the World.
Source: Earthhope Action Network
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Russian Professor: Collapse of America Could Begin in Two Months
by Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet
Doomsday author says Obama is doing nothing to forestall disintegration
Russian Professor Igor Panarin says that events are continuing to confirm his doomsday prediction first made over 10 years ago, that the United States will completely collapse like the Soviet Union before the end of 2010, and warns that the chaos could begin to unfold in as little as two months.
Panarin, doctor of political sciences and professor of the Russian Diplomatic Academy Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told journalists during the unveiling of his new book yesterday that President Obama has done nothing to forestall the fast approaching crisis and that it could begin to properly unfold in November.
“Obama is “the president of hope”, but in a year there won’t be any hope,” said Panarin. “He’s practically another Gorbachev – he likes to talk but hasn’t really managed to do anything. Gorbachev at least had been a secretary of a regional communist party administration, whereas Obama was just a social worker. His mentality is totally different. He’s a nice person and talks nicely – but he’s not a leader and will take America to a crash. When Americans understand that – it will be like a bomb explosion.”
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Since 1998, Panarin has been warning of a future disintegration of the United States and the collapse of the dollar. The recent election victory for Japan’s Democratic Party is another sign that the economic collapse of the U.S. is imminent, according to Panarin.
“Today I received another confirmation that the collapse of the dollar and the US is inevitable. Japan’s Democratic Party won the election, and I’d like to remind you that its leader [Yukio Hatoyama] has the snubbing of the dollar among his economic plans. In plainer words, he plans to transfer Japan’s monetary reserves from US dollars into another currency. The move will seriously accelerate the dollar’s exchange slump as early as this November. Disintegration will follow shortly,” he said, adding that next year China would also begin to massively dump the dollar and that Russia would begin to sell oil and gas for roubles.
Panarin previously stated that the dollar would eventually be replaced with “a common Amero currency as a new monetary unit”, referring to the Security and Prosperity Partnership agreement between the U.S., Canada and Mexico.
He foresees the U.S. breaking up into six different parts, roughly along lines similar to those of 1865 during the Civil War, “The Pacific coast, with its growing Chinese population; the South, with its Hispanics; Texas, where independence movements are on the rise; the Atlantic coast, with its distinct and separate mentality; five of the poorer central states with their large Native American populations; and the northern states, where the influence from Canada is strong,” according to Panarin.
Longer term, Panarin predicts that the breakaway states will eventually be taken over by the European Union, Canada, China, Mexico, Japan and Russia and America will cease to exist altogether, as depicted in the illustration above.
Panarin blames the collapse on a “political elite that implements an absurd and aggressive policy that aims to create conflicts around the planet” and warns that increasing firearms sales in the U.S. are a sign that people are preparing for “chaos” in the aftermath of a total financial meltdown.
“In my opinion, the probability of the US ceasing to exist by June, 2010 exceeds 50%. At this point, the mission of all major international powers is to prevent chaos in the US,” Panarin concluded.
Watch a clip from Russia Today below.
Source: Prison Planet
Zogby: Obama Approval Plummets to 42 Percent
President Barack Obama's job approval rating is down to 42%, with a decline in approval from Democrats the leading factor.
The latest Zogby Interactive poll of 4,518 likely voters conducted from August 28-31 found 48% disapprove and 42% approve of the job Obama is doing. The poll found 75% of Democrats approve of Obama's performance, a drop of 13 points among Democrats from an interactive poll done July 21-24 of this year. That same poll found 48% of all likely voters approving of Obama's job performance, and 49% disapproving.
In the most recent poll, 8% of Republicans and 37% of Independents approve of Obama's job performance. Both are down slightly from six weeks ago; two points among Republicans and three among Independents.
The tables below compare changes from July 24 to Aug. 31 in Obama's job approval among some of the groups who were Obama's strongest supporters in the November election;
Democrats Aug. 31 July 24
Approve 75% 88%
Disapprove 13% 10%
Not Sure 12% 2%
Liberals Aug. 31 July 24
Approve 86% 95%
Disapprove 4% 4%
Not Sure 10% 2%
African-Americans Aug. 31 July 24
Approve 74% 83%
Disapprove 21% 17%
Not Sure 5% .4%
Ages 18-29 Aug. 31 July 24
Approve 41% 59%
Disapprove 41% 38%
Not Sure 19% 3%
In the time between the two aforementioned polls, Zogby conducted a similar interactive survey from Aug. 18-20. That poll found 45% of all likely voters approving of Obama's job performance and 51% disapproving. So Obama is up very slightly overall from 10 days earlier.
The Aug. 28-31 poll also found that:
• 17% give Obama an excellent job rating, 25% rate him good, 16% fair and 41% poor. Combining the two highest and lowest rankings shows 42% rating Obama positively and 57% negatively. (This is the standard Zogby International has used for many years in measuring job performance.)
• Likely voters are closely split on whether they have a favorable opinion of Obama, with 50% favorable and 48% unfavorable. Democrats are more positive about Obama personally than they are of his job performance, with 85% rating him favorably.
• 52% of all likely voters are proud to have Obama as President, and 35% are ashamed. The percentage of those proud is unchanged from six weeks ago.
• A majority of likely voters (53%) believe the U.S. headed in the wrong direction, with 38% saying right direction.
The margin of error for the poll is +/- 1.5 percentage points. Margins of error are higher in sub-groups.
Source: Newsmax
The Top 7 Most Embarrassing Town Hall Moments for Democrats
by John Hawkins Townhall
Sadly, for Republicans who have richly enjoyed watching Democrats getting a taste of their own medicine at town halls across the country, the August recess is winding down. Still, there are already so many memories. Humiliating, awful, scarring memories that are likely to still be haunting Democrats when November of 2010 rolls around.
7) Steny Hoyer vs. Don Jeror: Nancy Pelosi's condescending 2nd in command, Steny Hoyer, ran into a buzzsaw named Dan Jeror who, after emphasizing that he was a registered Democrat, got off one of the best lines of the summer so far:
"Why would you guys try to stuff a health care bill down our throats in three to four weeks when the President took six months to pick a dog for his kids?"
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6) Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH) has a constituent removed from a town hall for asking her a question: Yes, Carol-Shea Porter actually had one of her own constituents, a retired policeman, hauled out of a meeting for daring to ask her a question. Apparently, he didn't have some sort of Willie Wonka style golden ticket that enables mere voters to speak in her presence. To add insult to injury, Carol-Shea Porter even made a snide comment as he was hauled away, "I do hope the movie theater can be a little quieter for you." It wasn’t that great of a line. She should have just gone full Mary Antoinette on the guy and cackled, "Let him eat cake" while she rubbed her hands together and sneered.
5) Steny Hoyer and Nancy Pelosi take to USA Today to call protesters "un-American": Remember when dissent used to be "patriotic" and how courageous it used to be to "speak truth to power?" Well, those were the old days. Now that the Democrats are in charge, it's "un-American" to "speak the truth to power" and doing so is probably an indication that you're part of a potentially dangerous "angry mob."
4) Nancy Pelosi says town hall protesters are "Astroturf":
Nothing cools down angry voters like having the Speaker of the House accuse them of being Nazis. Oh, and what better way for the "Astroturf" to blend in with the grassroots than to carry a swastika to a meeting? That makes sense, right? At least Pelosi's moronic meandering did inspire Marine David Hedrick, during a memorable town hall rant, to quip: "If Nancy Pelosi Wants to find a swastika, maybe the first place she should look is on the sleeve of her own arm."
3) A liberal fakes an attack on the Colorado Democratic Party headquarters: It's cheating a bit to include this one, but it's so good that it needs to make the list. After the Colorado Democratic Party headquarters was vandalized, "State Democratic Party Chairwoman Pat Waak initially blamed the vandalism on animosity surrounding the health care debate." Yet, it turned out that the perpetrator was a left-wing activist named Maurice Schwenkler. If this were the old Batman TV show and there were no such thing as Godwin's Law, Robin would be yelling out, "Holy Reichstag fire, Batman!"
2) Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee talks on the phone as a woman asks a question at a town hall event: If a movie tried to show a member of Congress, at a town hall meeting, yapping away on a cell phone while her constituent was trying to ask them a question, people would pan it as unrealistic. Yet, Sheila Jackson Lee actually did it and then later explained, "In Congress, we have to multi-task." Gee, where do the American people get this crazy idea that members of Congress aren't listening to them?
1) Kenneth Gladney is beaten by union thugs: A black man at a political rally was assaulted by white thugs who used racial epithets. The man was beaten so badly that he was forced to use a wheelchair and the response from liberals was...well, we're actually still waiting for a response. The conservative response was to start bringing guns to the town hall meetings. Since then, for the most part, the unions have decided to behave themselves. It's just more proof than an armed society is a polite society.
Source: Townhall
Friday, August 28, 2009
Florida Candidate for Mayor Wants 1,000-Strong Youth Spy Force
by Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet
Falconer proposes swarms of citizen informers casing neighborhoods looking for suspicious behavior
A frontrunner to become Mayor of Orange County Florida proposes to combat crime in the area by creating a 1,000 person strong spy force who would cruise around neighborhoods on bikes reporting suspicious behavior to uniformed supervisors, a creepy program with dark undertones of the Hitler Youth program of 1930’s Nazi Germany.
Matthew Falconer, who professes to be a Libertarian, has been handing out a business card to potential voters outlining his platform.
On the back of the card, Falconer outlines his intention to, “Improve public safety by putting 1,000 additional observers on patrol in your neighborhood.”
Falconer’s website provides more detail as to what exactly this new program will entail.
My solution is to innovate. I call for the implementation of my “COPs” program (Citizen Observers). This program will put 1000 young people on bicycles with radios patrolling our neighborhoods keeping our citizens safe. My mission is to prevent crime and move away from the responsive method of public safety in Orange County. The observers will ride through specific areas, seek out criminal behavior, and report events to a uniformed supervisor. They will also talk with residents to find out who is committing the crimes in the area and attempt to gather information to solve existing crimes.
Falconer’s website states that the “public safety personnel” will receive just $10 dollars an hour, meaning the cost of the entire program will amount to no more than $2.5 million dollars a year.
Falconer’s intention to “move away from the responsive method to public safety” and instead have poorly trained amateur teenage spies watching their neighbors and actively seeking out suspicious behavior with seemingly little accountability whatsoever sets a dangerous precedent. Even if the program has genuine intentions behind it, the potential for members of the 1,000 strong spy force to abuse their power to settle scores with neighbors they don’t like is clearly a possibility, which is exactly what has happened historically when citizens are afforded the power to inform on each other.
Falconer’s proposal is clearly anti-American and unconstitutional. Though some may argue that vigilantes are a good thing in an age of growing corruption and police brutality, the fact is that vigilantes are traditionally responsive to crime and act as watchmen, they do not spy on the innocent and actively seek out potential criminal behavior, as Falconer’s program outlines.
Fears about the creation of an East German-style Stasi outfit that would keep an eye on Americans were raised in July of last year when President Barack Obama, during a speech on the campaign trail, promised a “national civilian security force” that would be just as powerful as the U.S. military.
As we have documented, informant programs that encourage Americans to spy on each other are already in operation across the country in a number of different guises.
The legacy of training Americans to spy on each other in the name of “safety” has its origins in Operation TIPS, which was supposedly nixed by Congress, a DOJ, FBI, DHS and FEMA coordinated program that would have recruited one in twenty-four Americans as domestic informants, a higher percentage than was used by the Stasi in Communist East Germany.
Government funding was cut after an outcry but private funding continues and the same program was introduced under a number of sub-divisions including AmeriCorps, SecureCorps and the Highway Watch program.
Similar programs being run bother privately and under government auspices are increasingly beginning to mirror the citizen denunciation campaigns that became prominent in Nazi Germany.
One common misconception about Nazi Germany was that the police state was solely a creation of the authorities and that the citizens were merely victims. On the contrary, Gestapo files show that 80% of all Gestapo investigations were started in response to information provided from denunciations by “ordinary” Germans.
“There were relatively few secret police, and most were just processing the information coming in. I had found a shocking fact. It wasn’t the secret police who were doing this wide-scale surveillance and hiding on every street corner. It was the ordinary German people who were informing on their neighbors,” wrote Robert Gellately of Florida State University.
You Tube user Austin White makes his feelings about Falconer’s proposal clear in the clip below.
Source: Prison Planet
Students' Take-home Assignment: Census Kits
by Haya El Nasser USA Today
Editor's note: Wait a Friggin Minute Here-gov to use children as census workers?
Anyone tempted to ignore the 2010 Census will have a tough time doing it — especially if they have kids in school.
The government has launched Census in Schools, an all-out campaign targeting superintendents, principals, teachers, students and, indirectly, parents, as schools open across the nation this month and next. The message: The Census is coming and here's why everyone should care.
The goal is to send posters, teaching guides, maps and lesson plans to every school in the nation, Puerto Rico and U.S. island territories to encourage everyone to participate in the national count. The materials will land in more than 118,000 schools and reach 56 million students.
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"It's great to reach the children because children are such strong voices in their homes," says Renee Jefferson-Copeland, chief of the Census schools program. "In households that are linguistically isolated, they can express the information to their parents."
The school effort is more ambitious than in 2000, the last time the government set out to count everyone. At that time, teachers had to request the material and it was available only in print. Now, the kits and lessons will arrive in every school and lesson plans can be downloaded online, where they will be available in 28 languages.
The Constitution mandates a complete population count every 10 years. The tally — down to the city block — helps redraw political boundaries and determine states' representation in Congress and the distribution of more than $400 billion in federal funds to state and local governments every year.
"It's extremely important for us," says Michael McGrady, associate director for partnership development at the National Head Start Association, which promotes school readiness for low-income children and their families. "Historically, Head Start families have been undercounted and that has a negative effect on their communities."
Between January and March, the Census Bureau will help plan a week of Census education in schools. During Census Week, teachers will devote 15 minutes every day for five days to the topic by discussing such things as civic participation, confidentiality or geography. Beginning in mid-March, more than 120 million Census questionnaires will be delivered to residential addresses.
The Census Bureau is partnering with Sesame Street to extend the 2010 Census message to preschoolers and adult caregivers. Under consideration: Using Sesame Street characters on Census materials and having characters participate in school events and public service announcements.
Source: USA Today
Image: Margie Laupheimer / Earthhope Action Network
Senate Bill Would Give President Emergency Control of Internet
Fox News August 28, 2009
Details of a revamped version of the Cybersecurity Act of 2009 show the Senate bill could give the president a "kill switch" on the Internet and allow him to shut out private networks from online access.
A Senate bill would offer President Obama emergency control of the Internet and may give him a "kill switch" to shut down online traffic by seizing private networks -- a move cybersecurity experts worry will choke off industry and civil liberties.
Details of a revamped version of the Cybersecurity Act of 2009 emerged late Thursday, months after an initial version authored by Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.V., was blasted in Silicon Valley as dangerous government intrusion.
"In the original bill they empowered the president to essentially turn off the Internet in the case of a 'cyber-emergency,' which they didn't define," said Larry Clinton, president of the Internet Security Alliance, which represents the telecommunications industry.
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"We think it's a very bad idea ... to put in legislation," he told
Clinton said the new version of the bill that surfaced this week is improved from its first draft, but troubling language that was removed was replaced by vague language that could still offer the same powers to the president in case of an emergency.
"The current language is so unclear that we can't be confident that the changes have actually been made," he said.
The new legislation allows the president to "declare a cybersecurity emergency" relating to "non-governmental" computer networks and make a plan to respond to the danger, according to an excerpt published online -- a broad license that rights experts worry would give the president "amorphous powers" over private users.
"As soon as you're saying that the federal government is going to be exercising this kind of power over private networks, it's going to be a really big issue," Lee Tien, a senior staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, told CNET News.
A Senate source familiar with the bill likened the new power to take control of portions of the Internet to what President Bush did when he grounded all aircraft on Sept. 11, 2001, CNET News reported.
Spokesmen for Senator Rockefeller and the Commerce Committee did not return calls seeking comment before this article was published.
But Rockefeller, who introduced the bill in April with bipartisan support, said the legislation was critical to protecting everything from water and electricity to banking, traffic lights and electronic health records.
"I know the threats we face," Rockefeller said in a prepared statement when the legislation was introduced. "Our enemies are real. They are sophisticated, they are determined and they will not rest."
The bill would also let the government create a detailed set of standards for licensing "cybersecurity professionals" who would oversee a single standard for security measures.
But many in the technology sector believe it's a job the government is ill-equipped to handle, said Franck Journoud, a policy analyst with the Business Software Alliance.
"Simply put, who has the expertise?" he told in April. "It's the industry, not the government. We have a responsibility to increase and improve security. That responsibility cannot be captured in a government standard."
Clinton, of the Internet Security Alliance, praised President Obama's May science policy review, which he said would take cybersecurity in the right direction by promoting incentives to get the private industry to improve its own security measures.
But he faulted the Senate bill, which he said would centralize regulations for an industry that is too varied to fall under the control of a single set of rules without endangering the economy and security.
"We think a lot of things need to be done to enhance cybersecurity," he told, but this bill is "not something that we could support."
Source: Fox News
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Jewish Collaborators with the Enemies of Israel: Marc H. Ellis
by Steven Plaut FrontPageMagazine
Marc H. Ellis
Some of the individuals waging an all out war on American college campuses against Israrel and the Jews are themselves Jewish. Some have called them "non-Jewish" or "self-hating" Jews. What is undeniable is that in the role they have chosen, these individuals are collaborating, often openly and without apology, with groups such as Hamas and Hizbollah and states such as Ahmadinejad's Iran that call for a new genocide. Over the next few weeks, Frontpage will profile some of these Jewish collaborators in the war against Israel and the Jews and show how they give and and comfort to the Islamist enemy -- The Editors.
The campus war against Israel and the Jews is led by a group of anti-Semites, many of them faculty members, who have made a career for themselves by traveling from one university to another supporting Arab terrorism. They invariably pretend that they are promoting peace. But in the Orwellian bubble where they live, Arab aggression and terror become self-defense and Israeli self-defense becomes aggression and terror. Israeli democracy is apartheid, while Arab genocide is liberation.
One of the most bizarre aspects of this campus war against the Jews is how common self-hating anti-Semitic Jews are in the ranks of the movement to achieve the annihilation of Israel. For reasons that only a psychiatrist could fully understand, these people use their birthright to give authenticity to the campaign of delegitimizing and demonizing Israel. Today the leading promoters of "divestment" and of boycotting Israel are academic Jewish leftists, some of them from Israel itself. In a few extreme cases, this detestation of Israel is combined with a fawning courtship of Islamic terrorists, American and European Neo-Nazis, and even Holocaust Deniers.
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One of the most public of these Jewish collaborators in the Arab war against Israel's survival is Marc H. Ellis, a Jewish "professor of theology" and director of the Center for American and Jewish Studies at Baylor, a Baptist University in Waco, Texas. For most of the academic world, especially the world of Jewish scholarship, Ellis is a bigot residing in the lunatic fringe. But in the eyes in the eyes of Holocaust Deniers and Arab terrorists, he is a distinguished theologian. The racist Reverend Jeremiah Wright is a fan of Ellis' books and often recommends them.
The theology that Ellis teaches is the theology of Jewish evil. Ellis is essentially a Norman Finkelstein look alike. Unlike Finkelstein, who was fired from DePaul University because his "scholarly" books were Jew-baiting propaganda in disguise, Ellis has a job. But, in fact, there are surprisingly few differences between the ranting anti-Semitism for which Finkelstein was fired and the "scholarly work" for which Ellis has been rewarded. Indeed, the two have a long history of collaboration. They appear at one another's conferences and on one another's web sites, standing together in a sort of anti Semitic mutual assistance pact.
Like Finkelstein, Ellis is honored and cited as a Jewish anti-Jewish and anti-Israel authority who helps debunk the "myth" that there ever was a Holocaust of Jews by neo-Nazis and Holocaust deniers, notably on the web site of recently deported Canadian Nazi Ernst Zundel, by the Neo-Nazi "Institute for Historical Review".
Ellis has hosted Finkelstein in Texas on numerous occasions, and the two sit together on the boards of a number of pro-jihad anti-Israel propaganda organizations such as the Deir Yassin Remembered Organization, which also includes among its members such notables as Saudi-financed Paul Findley, Swedish Neo-Nazi Israel Shamir, PLO spokeswoman Hanan Ashrawi, and Israeli convicted spy and traitor - the communist Mordecai Vanunu who recently spoke at the York University anti-Semitic conference calling for Israel to be exterminated.
Ellis has publicly endorsed not only Finkelstein's The Holocaust Industry, but also Finkelstein's scurrilous attacks on Nobel Prize winning writer and concentration camp survivor Elie Wiesel. Ellis and Finkelstein are listed together in Gabriel Schoenfeld's review of Holocaust pseudo-scholarship in The Return of Anti-Semitism.
Ellis has been a full-time basher of Israel for decades. He holds a PhD from Marquette University, a Jesuit institution in Milwaukee which has never distinguished itself as a serious research center on Jewish thought. His first position after graduation was at Maryknoll School of Theology, a Catholic school in New York that it is evidently not accredited as a research university, although it has had its fair share of "liberation theologists. He moved to Baylor University in 1998 as a full professor and now directs "Jewish Studies," by himself, the sole faculty member at the "Center of American and Jewish Studies." The Center web site lists endorsements by a "Christian feminist theologian," by Noam Chomsky and a few other anti-Semites, but not by a single scholar of Judaism.
Ellis has a publication record that consists almost exclusively of anti-Israel propaganda tracts. These all largely promote liberation theology1 mixed with his thoughts about the Holocaust and Israel's endless track record of "inhumane crimes."2 Most of these works are published with "Fortress Press," a non-academic church publisher associated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Ellis sits on the editorial board of Tikkun, a far-leftist, anti-Israel, Sixties-fixated magazine, which touts Marxism and New Age liberation theology dressed up in some nominally Jewish emblems and slogans. Ellis is a regular on the Bash-Israel lecture circuit, especially before Muslim audiences, and is a speaker in demand for the "Palestine Solidarity" events that have become central part of the anti Israel, anti Semitic displays on American college campuses.
The centerpiece of Ellis' crusade against Israeli survival is a warped view of the Holocaust that rivals Norman Finkelstein's. He has authored a number of books that claim to be "Holocaust scholarship," including Ending Auschwitz: The Future of Jewish and Christian Life (Westminster John Knox Press, 1994), O, Jerusalem: The Contested Future of the Jewish Covenant (Fortress Press, 1999), and Israel and Palestine: Out of the Ashes (Pluto Press, 2003), the latter two purporting to extract some "lessons of the Holocaust" for use in resolving the Arab-Israeli war.
Ellis summarizes his ambivalence about the Holocaust in these words: "To speak of the Holocaust without confessing our sins towards the Palestinian people and seeking a real justice with them is a hypocrisy that debases us as Jews. Surely, the ultimate trivialization is the use of memory to oppress others and this, rather than the 'industry', is responsible for the difficulties facing those who seek to communicate the historic suffering of European Jews."
A central assertion in Ellis' campaign against Israel is his insistence that Jews have abandoned "Prophetic Ethics." But there is little in his books to indicate that he has the slightest idea of which ethics the Prophets of the Bible really promoted, nor even that he has ever bothered to read those books of the Bible. He evidently is willing to take Tikkun editor Michael Lerner's word on what they contain.3
Ellis' idea of defending the ethics of the Hebrew Prophets is to write Israel-bashing pieces for the same al-Ahram Egyptian daily that regularly prints blood libels about Jews and cites the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" as an authoritative source.4 Industriously, if somewhat mysteriously, Ellis finds sources in the Books of the Prophets for the Palestinian "Right of Return," which he so passionately endorses,5 although (or perhaps because) it means an end Jewish national existence. Ellis thinks that Jews should turn their High Holidays into days of mourning for their "crimes" against "Palestinians."6
One of Ellis's recent books is called Judaism does not Equal Israel, and he has touted it in numerous talks on and off the Baylor campus. Its theme is that Israel is not just an evil threat to the region but to Judaism itself. It features a foreword praising Ellis' negative take on Judaism written by fellow Israel-basher Archbishop Desmond Tutu. (The fact that Ellis could not find a Jewish theologian to praise his "take" on Judaism is significant.)
Another work in which he reiterates his insistence that the Holocaust needs to be converted into a weapon against Israel's survival is Israel and Palestine: Out of the Ashes (Pluto Press, 2003.) The first hint one has of the real orientation of this atrocious little book, which purports to be a theological re-examination of what it means to be Jewish after the Holocaust, is that the only people Ellis and his publisher could find to endorse the book on the jacket are Edward Said, Noam Chomsky, and others favoring Palestinian terrorism. Pro-terror and Islamist web sites have given the book rave reviews. So has the PLO's web site. The leftist publication The Nation recently praised the book's call for Israel to be eliminated, although expressing dislike for the fact that Ellis thinks religion still has some positive roles to play in the 21st century.
The only thing of value that Ellis thinks Jews should derive from their experiences during the Holocaust is a duty to unambiguously denounce Israel and to support the demands and agenda of the Palestinian terrorists. He denounces all Jewish denominations and all rabbinic institutions for their failures to endorse Palestinian violence unreservedly. He is as hostile to the Jews of America as he is to those of Israel: "We as Jews come after the Holocaust, but we also come after the illusory promises of Israel and America. And we cannot find our way alone, only with others who realize that the promises they have been handed are also illusory."
Ellis' concept of Israel is of a bunch of "bullies" riding about in helicopters and firing senselessly at poor innocent Palestinian civilians for absolutely no reason at all (an image repeated ad nauseum in many of Ellis' screeds). Suicide bombers blowing up Israeli buses and other perpetrators of mass atrocities against Jews do not interest him. Ellis' Israel is a belligerent selfish entity, mistreating and enslaving (yes, he uses that term) the Palestinians, as part of some sinister grand design of the settlers in the "Palestinian" territories.
Ellis pretends never to have heard of the Oslo "peace process" and writes about Israeli "conquest" and "occupation" of the Palestinians as being "complete," this long after Israel turned almost all of these unfortunates to the Hamas' and the PLO's tender rule.
The theme of Israel and Palestine: Out of the Ashes is the same that Ellis preaches nonstop on the lecture circuit. He asserts that the Jews have utilized the Holocaust as a gimmick to grasp power, steal property, and oppress the poor Arabs. Further, he asserts that Israel's original sin was to utilize the Holocaust as an excuse to occupy "Palestinian" land. The only "massacres" of any consequence that have occurred in the long Mideast struggle, in his view, are Jenin and Deir Yassin (neither of which was in fact a massacre.) What the Palestinians suffered in these ambiguous encounters was, he says, the moral equivalents of the Holocaust of the Jews. But in the 2002 Jenin battle, less than twenty civilians died in the midst of a military operation by Israel against terrorists hiding in the town. And Deir Yassin was the scene of a 1948 battle in which some 100 civilians were killed, in an action immediately condemned by the leadership of the Haganah, the Jewish community's main paramilitary force, and by the area's two chief rabbis. To put these events in the scale of atrocity with the Holocaust is simply obscene.
Ellis is openly contemptuous of any talk about Jews being in need of any national empowerment. Such things constitute "Constantinian Judaism,"7 to use Ellis' favorite nonsense term, a malapropism picked up - one suspects - after spending too much time misrepresenting Judaism at Christian theological institutions. What he means by this term is the conscripting of religion to serve the agenda of the militarist state. (Ellis uses it to describe Jews who support either Israel OR the United States - and of course those evil malicious Jewish "settlers.") Jews can only fulfill their proper ethical role in history, which - Ellis is persuaded - is to promote socialism and leftist fads, if they are stateless and suffering.
Ellis never finds time in all his discussions of the theological implications of the Holocaust to consider the mass murder of Jewish children by his beloved Palestinians. Uniformed Jewish youths certainly have no right to ride around in helicopters to prevent such things. Nor is he willing to acknowledge that any "mistreatment" of Palestinians, such as the assassination of some of their leading terrorists, might have anything at all to do with the atrocities committed by Palestinians against countless Israeli Anne Franks. In a book supposedly about the lessons of the Holocaust for the Jews, there is not a single word about the Nazi-like demonization of Jews by the PLO and its affiliates, nor about the daily Islamofascist calls for genocide against Jews.
Ellis even rejects the political positions of Israel's Far Left as insensitive, brutal, and insufficiently "progressive." He is a passionate supporter of the "One-State Solution," in which Israel will simply be eliminated as a Jewish state and will be enfolded within a larger Palestinian-dominated state that stretches from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River. (This is also known as the "Rwanda Solution" because of the atrocity that would surely follow its implementation.) He preaches it at conference after conference, insisting that such a fate is the ultimate realization of the Jewish mission and the only permissible lesson that Jews may learn from the Holocaust.
The main theological lesson that Marc H. Ellis draws from the Holocaust and preaches wherever he goes is that Jews must stop trying to defend themselves against violent anti-Semites and that instead "progressive Jews" such as himself should see to it that Israel is destroyed. The only real lesson that Ellis wishes the world to learn from the Holocaust is that Israelis are now behaving like the Nazis who murdered six million of their forbears and that Jews who assist the Palestinian violence in achieving its aims are ethically equivalent to the "good Germans" who rescued Jews in World War II from the Gestapo.
Steven Plaut is a professor at the Graduate School of the Business Administration at the University of Haifa and is a columnist for the Jewish Press. A collection of his commentaries on the current events in Israel can be found on his "blog".
Source: FrontPageMagazine
Obama's Summer of Discontent
by Fouad Ajami WSJ
The politics of charisma is so Third World. Americans were never going to buy into it for long.
So we are to have a French health-care system without a French tradition of political protest. It is odd that American liberalism, in a veritable state of insurrection during the Bush presidency, now seeks political quiescence. These "townhallers" who have come forth to challenge ObamaCare have been labeled "evil-mongers" (Harry Reid), "un-American" (Nancy Pelosi), agitators and rowdies and worse.
A political class, and a media elite, that glamorized the protest against the Iraq war, that branded the Bush presidency as a reign of usurpation, now wishes to be done with the tumult of political debate. President Barack Obama himself, the community organizer par excellence, is full of lament that the "loudest voices" are running away with the national debate. Liberalism in righteous opposition, liberalism in power: The rules have changed.
It was true to script, and to necessity, that Mr. Obama would try to push through his sweeping program—the change in the health-care system, a huge budget deficit, the stimulus package, the takeover of the automotive industry—in record time. He and his handlers must have feared that the spell would soon be broken, that the coalition that carried Mr. Obama to power was destined to come apart, that a country anxious and frightened in the fall of 2008 could recover its poise and self-confidence. Historically, this republic, unlike the Old World and the command economies of the Third World, had trusted the society rather than the state. In a perilous moment, that balance had shifted, and Mr. Obama was the beneficiary of that shift.
So our new president wanted a fundamental overhaul of the health-care system—17% of our GDP—without a serious debate, and without "loud voices." It is akin to government by emergency decrees. How dare those townhallers (the voters) heckle Arlen Specter! Americans eager to rein in this runaway populism were now guilty of lèse-majesté by talking back to the political class.
We were led to this summer of discontent by the very nature of the coalition that brought Mr. Obama, and the political class around him, to power, and by the circumstances of his victory. The man was elected amid economic distress. Faith in the country's institutions, perhaps in the free-enterprise system itself, had given way. Mr. Obama had ridden that distress. His politics of charisma was reminiscent of the Third World. A leader steps forth, better yet someone with no discernible trail, someone hard to pin down to a specific political program, and the crowd could read into him what it wished, what it needed.
The leader would be different things to different people. The Obama coalition was the coming together of disparate groups: the white professional liberals seeking absolution for the country in the election of an African-American man, the opponents of the Iraq war who grew more strident as the project in Iraq was taking root, the African-American community that had been invested in the Clintons and then came around out of an understandable pride in one of its own.
The last segment of the electorate to flock to the Obama banners were the blue-collar workers who delivered him Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indiana. He was not their man. They fully knew that he didn't share their culture. They were, by his portrait, clinging to their guns and religion, but the promise of economic help, and of protectionism, carried the day with them.
The Obama devotees were the victims of their own belief in political magic. The devotees could not make up their minds. In a newly minted U.S. senator from Illinois, they saw the embodiment of Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy. Like Lincoln, Mr. Obama was tall and thin and from Illinois, and the historic campaign was launched out of Springfield. The oath of office was taken on the Lincoln Bible. Like FDR, he had a huge economic challenge, and he better get it done, repair and streamline the economy in his "first hundred days." Like JFK, he was young and stylish, with a young family.
All this hero-worship before Mr. Obama met his first test of leadership. In reality, he was who he was, a Chicago politician who had done well by his opposition to the Iraq war. He had run a skillful campaign, and had met a Clinton machine that had run out of tricks and a McCain campaign that never understood the nature of the contest of 2008.
He was no FDR, and besides the history of the depression—the real history—bears little resemblance to the received narrative of the nation instantly rescued, in the course of 100 days or 200 days, by an interventionist state. The economic distress had been so deep and relentless that FDR began his second term, in 1937, with the economy still in the grip of recession.
Nor was JFK about style. He had known military service and combat, and familial loss; he had run in 1960 as a hawk committed to the nation's victory in the Cold War. He and his rival, Richard Nixon, shared a fundamental outlook on American power and its burdens.
Now that realism about Mr. Obama has begun to sink in, these iconic figures of history had best be left alone. They can't rescue the Obama presidency. Their magic can't be his. Mr. Obama isn't Lincoln with a BlackBerry. Those great personages are made by history, in the course of history, and not by the spinners or the smitten talking heads.
In one of the revealing moments of the presidential campaign, Mr. Obama rightly observed that the Reagan presidency was a transformational presidency in a way Clinton's wasn't. And by that Reagan precedent, that Reagan standard, the faults of the Obama presidency are laid bare. Ronald Reagan, it should be recalled, had been swept into office by a wave of dissatisfaction with Jimmy Carter and his failures. At the core of the Reagan mission was the recovery of the nation's esteem and self-regard. Reagan was an optimist. He was Hollywood glamour to be sure, but he was also Peoria, Ill. His faith in the country was boundless, and when he said it was "morning in America" he meant it; he believed in America's miracle and had seen it in his own life, in his rise from a child of the Depression to the summit of political power.
The failure of the Carter years was, in Reagan's view, the failure of the man at the helm and the policies he had pursued at home and abroad. At no time had Ronald Reagan believed that the American covenant had failed, that America should apologize for itself in the world beyond its shores. There was no narcissism in Reagan. It was stirring that the man who headed into the sunset of his life would bid his country farewell by reminding it that its best days were yet to come.
In contrast, there is joylessness in Mr. Obama. He is a scold, the "Yes we can!" mantra is shallow, and at any rate, it is about the coming to power of a man, and a political class, invested in its own sense of smarts and wisdom, and its right to alter the social contract of the land. In this view, the country had lost its way and the new leader and the political class arrayed around him will bring it back to the right path.
Thus the moment of crisis would become an opportunity to push through a political economy of redistribution and a foreign policy of American penance. The independent voters were the first to break ranks. They hadn't underwritten this fundamental change in the American polity when they cast their votes for Mr. Obama.
American democracy has never been democracy by plebiscite, a process by which a leader is anointed, then the populace steps out of the way, and the anointed one puts his political program in place. In the American tradition, the "mandate of heaven" is gained and lost every day and people talk back to their leaders. They are not held in thrall by them. The leaders are not infallible or a breed apart. That way is the Third World way, the way it plays out in Arab and Latin American politics.
Those protesters in those town-hall meetings have served notice that Mr. Obama's charismatic moment has passed. Once again, the belief in that American exception that set this nation apart from other lands is re-emerging. Health care is the tip of the iceberg. Beneath it is an unease with the way the verdict of the 2008 election was read by those who prevailed. It shall be seen whether the man swept into office in the moment of national panic will adjust to the nation's recovery of its self-confidence.
Mr. Ajami teaches at the School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University. He is also an adjunct fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution.
Source: Wall Street Journal